Comprehensive preparation for grade 10 - course 23,990 rub. from Online school TutorOnline, training 150 ac. hours, Date: November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
Training takes place independently using recorded video lectures. You can always review a lesson if you need to repeat the material and refresh your knowledge.
Special homework assignments are available after each class. If you don’t understand the topic, you can watch a video analysis of your homework from the course teacher.
80.7 points is the average Unified State Examination result of our students in 2022. 20.9 above the national average.
Lesson 1: Spatial figures. Straight lines and planes
Lesson 2: Axioms of stereometry. Corollaries from the axioms
Lesson 3: Polyhedra. Construction of sections of polyhedra
Lesson 4: Introduction to Trigonometry
Lesson 5: Properties of the expressions sin α and cos α, tan α and ctg α. Inverse trigonometric expressions
Lesson 6: Relationships between sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of the same angle
Lesson 7: Reduction formulas. Addition formulas
Lesson 8: Double and half angle formulas
Lesson 9: Relative position of lines in space
Lesson 10: The relative position of a straight line and a plane in space
Lesson 11: Relative arrangement of planes in space
Lesson 12: Functions y = sin x, y = cos x, y = tg x, y = ctg x. Properties and graphs
Lesson 13: Trigonometric Equations
Lesson 14: Trigonometric Equations
Lesson 15: Trigonometric equations. Trigonometric inequalities
Lesson 16: Perpendicularity of a line and a plane
Lesson 17: Distance from a point to a plane. Angle between a straight line and a plane
Lesson 18: Perpendicularity of planes. Angle between planes. Dihedral angle
Lesson 19: Power with an integer exponent. nth root. Identities with roots containing one variable
Lesson 20: Actions with nth roots
Lesson 21: Power with rational exponent. Actions with powers with rational exponents
Lesson 22: Irrational equations. Solving irrational equations
Lesson 23: Irrational inequalities
Lesson 24: Degree with real exponent. Exponential function
Lesson 25: Exponential function. Exponential equations
Lesson 26: Exponential Inequalities
Lesson 27: Logarithms. Basic properties of logarithms
Lesson 28: Logarithmic function. Logarithmic equations
Lesson 29: Logarithmic Inequalities
Lesson 30: Review. Generalization and systematization of the material covered
In Russian:
Lesson 1: Lexical system of the Russian language
Lesson 2: Single and polysemous words
Lesson 3: Phraseology
Lesson 4: Lexical analysis of text with solving test problems
Lesson 5: Phonetics. Graphic arts
Lesson 6: Orthoepic norms of the modern Russian language
Lesson 7: Word composition. System of morphemes of the Russian language
Lesson 8: Morphological and non-morphological methods of word formation
Lesson 9: Derivative analysis of words. Shaping
Lesson 10: Complexities of morphemic parsing
Lesson 11: Noun as part of speech
Lesson 12: Morphological norms of nouns
Lesson 13: Adjective as a part of speech
Lesson 14: Numeral as a part of speech
Lesson 15: Spelling and using numerals
Lesson 16: Pronoun as part of speech
Lesson 17: Verb as part of speech
Lesson 18: Participle as a verb form
Lesson 19: N and NN in participles and verbal adjectives
Lesson 20: Participles as verb forms
Lesson 21: Adverb and state category words
Lesson 22: The concept of auxiliary parts of speech, their difference from significant parts of speech
Lesson 23: Morphological norms
Lesson 24: Particles NOT and NOR. Their meaning and use. Spelling the particle NOT with different parts of speech
Lesson 25: Review of learned material