Financial management of companies in the high-tech industry - free course from Open Education, training 15 weeks, from 9 to 10 hours per week, Date November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
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Topic 1. Introduction to the course. Goals and objectives of financial management
1.1. Development of financial management in the world and in Russia. Basic theories of Nobel laureates.
1.2. Objectives of financial management. The main problems and challenges of financial development in 2020
1.3. Corporation as an object of study of financial management
1.4. Features of the financial model of high-tech companies. Case. Mining farm
Topic 2. Company cash flow as an object of financial analysis
2.1. Direct and indirect methods of building cash flow. Factors influencing the amount of cash flow. Advantages and disadvantages of cash flow indicators in the financial analysis of a company's activities. Analysis of the relationship between profit, working capital movement and cash flow.
2.2. Assessing the adequacy of funds to carry out operating and investment activities. Free cash flow for technology companies. Structure of the company's cash flows at various stages of the technology life cycle.
Topic 3. Fundamentals of financial asset valuation
3.1. Principles for valuing basic financial assets. Methodology for valuing major financial assets. Estimation of the value of a coupon bond. Valuation of a zero coupon bond. Problems in valuing bonds with variable coupons.
3.2. Valuation of preferred shares. Objectives of investing in shares: application of discounted dividend payment models. Gordon's model. Prerequisites and limitations of the Gordon model. Constant future dividend growth rate: Implications of the thesis for modern financial management.
Situation analysis 1. Estimation of the value of Russian Eurobonds.
Situation analysis 2. Why are preferred shares not used to attract investment in Russia?
Topic 4. Risk and uncertainty in the valuation of financial assets
4.1. Risk classification. Risk measurement. Systematic and unsystematic risks. Markowitz theory. Implications of diversification for risk management. A model for assessing long-term assets of a company, its methodological prerequisites. Criticism of the CAPM model.
4.2. Alternative approaches to the valuation of financial assets. Methods of expert risk assessment. Nobel laureates 2013: Schiller, Hansen, Fama. Hypothesis of information efficiency of markets.
Situation analysis 3. Are corporations currently looking to diversify their businesses to manage risk?