“Ecologist (in the field of professional activity)” - course 150,000 rubles. from MSU, training 96 weeks. (24 months), Date: November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
Tuition fee: RUB 150,000. (37,500 per semester)
Document issued: MSU diploma on professional retraining with the assignment of additional qualification ECOLOGIST (in the field of professional activity)
Responsible for additional education: Timofeeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Email: [email protected], tel. 8 (903) 22-33-99-2, 8(495)939-22-33
Who is this course for?
For all students at any level of higher education and those who want to add new ones to the professional competencies they receive, thereby expanding their employment opportunities.
What will you learn?
As a result of mastering the program, students develop a systematic approach to solving problems related to environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety, compliance with environmental legislation and minimizing risks in enterprise. During the training, students will master a system of knowledge in the field of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety, organizing the prevention of threats of harm from activities that can have a negative impact on the environment - industries of various profiles operating under different operating conditions.
How are classes going?
Training takes place in the form of lectures and practical classes. Advanced training ends with an exam and certification work. Upon successful completion of training, students are issued a diploma from Moscow State University on professional retraining with the assignment of additional qualification ECOLOGIST (in the field of professional activity)
Candidate of Biological Sciences Position: Associate Professor, Department of Soil Chemistry, Faculty of Soil Science, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
1 Humanities and social sciences
1.1 Fundamentals of ecological culture
2 Natural sciences
2.1 Mathematics (modeling and computer science)
2.2. Physics: physical foundations of mechanics, electricity and magnetism, physics of vibrations and waves, statistical physics, thermodynamics, quantum physics, physics of the Earth, geophysics
2.3 Chemistry: chemical systems, chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, reactivity of substances; organic, physical colloidal chemistry, high-molecular compounds, main types of technogenic chemicals pollutants, their transformation and accumulation in ecosystems, methods for determining the main groups of chemicals pollutants
2.4 Soil science with basic geology: the origin of the Earth and its position in the solar system; composition, structure and evolution of the earth's crust, stratigraphic scale; geological processes; geological human activity; geographical envelope, its structure and dynamics, territorial socio-economic systems; soil as a component of the biosphere; soil formation factors; composition, properties and classification of soils; soil geography.
2.5 Biology with basic ecology: the essence of life; living systems; biodiversity as a leading factor in the sustainability of the biosphere; homeostasis and adaptation, self-reproduction and development; basic laws and concepts of biology; human physiology and ecology; ecology and nature conservation; biological and environmental workshop.
3 General professional disciplines
3.1. General ecology: organisms and environment: limiting factors, population dynamics; communities, forms of biological relationships in communities; structure, basic properties and functioning of ecosystems; interaction of living and nonliving components; types of ecosystems, their dynamics; biosphere, biotic cycle; main types of anthropogenic impact on the biosphere; properties of self-regulation and self-purification; limits of sustainability of ecosystems and the biosphere, ecology of organisms. Ecological balance and species diversity of the biosphere as the main object of environmental protection on Earth.
3.2. Geoecology: geospheric shells of the Earth, their structure, interconnection and dynamics; anthropogenic pollution and self-regulation; natural and man-made geosystems; methods of geoecological research; landscapes and their modeling, the influence of human activity on the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, pedosphere; strategy to reduce the consumption of natural resources and environmental pollution.
3.3. Environmental management and nature conservation: the natural basis of environmental management, the need for biota diversity, natural resources and their rational use; environmental management, its territorial organization; design of natural-anthropogenic complexes. Legal regulation of environmental management: environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, international agreements in the field of nature conservation in Russia; legal and economic liability, calculation of environmental damage; environmental requirements for economic activity
3.4 Human ecology and social ecology: natural environment and human health; physiological basis of adaptation; the main targets and effects of an aggressive environment on humans; ecopathology; biologically based needs and human rights; ecology of humanity: population characteristics of humans as a species; ecotypes; races and ethnic groups, geography of the Earth's population; migration; human population dynamics; health indicators; biosphere resources and demographic problems; environmental crisis and ways to overcome it.
3.5 Global environmental problems and sustainable development: biosphere and civilization; socio-economic processes determining global environmental changes; scientific and technological revolution, demographic explosion, consumer crisis. The concept of environmental crises and disasters. Modern international developments and programs to overcome the environmental crisis. Works of the Club of Rome. Modern synergetic models and forecasts for the future of humanity. Sustainable development 3.6 Environmental monitoring: methods and principles of environmental monitoring; purpose of environmental monitoring; overview of different types of monitoring; biological methods of monitoring and diagnostics of the environment; monitoring the state of the aquatic environment, biological resources, land and forest resources
3.7 Fundamentals of environmental design and expertise: environmental justification of economic activities; pre-investment and project documentation; licensing activities. Legal basis of environmental design and examination. Environmental audit. Environmental impact assessment.
3.8 Technogenic systems and environmental risk
3.9 Standardization of anthropogenic impact and environmental quality
3.10 Mathematical models in ecology and environmental informatics
3.11 Current problems of modern ecology
4 Special disciplines 4.1 Environmental safety and geopolitical interests of Russia:
natural environment and health of the Russian population; the concept of "sustainable development" and socio-economic planning in the regions; problems of bioethics and ecoculture.
4.2 Environmental management in the professional field: features of professionally oriented management; environmental management in the field of professional activity; basics of decision making, business games; special seminar
4.3 Problems of applied ecology in the professional field: environmental protection and environmental safety in professional activities; methods and features of environmental monitoring in professional activities
4.4 Ensuring environmental safety in the field of professional activities
4.5 Elective disciplines:
• Use of spectral analysis methods in environmental studies
• Methods of chromatographic analysis of environmental objects
• Environmental protection and environmental safety
• Assessment and control of soil quality
• Microbiological methods for analyzing environmental objects
• Global climate change, greenhouse gases and the carbon cycle in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
• Organization of waste management activities at the enterprise
Preparation and defense of qualifying work