NEW! Preparation course for the OGE in chemistry
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023 is:
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Lessons from 1st to 11th grade
Unified State Exam, OGE
80.4 points
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Professional chemistry teacher. Senior researcher at the Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Problems.
Lesson 1: General information about the OGE. Basic concepts of chemistry
Lesson 2: Chemical formulas. Valence
Lesson 6: Classes of inorganic compounds. Oxides. Acids
Lesson 7: Foundations. Salts
Lesson 8: Amphoteric compounds. Relationship between classes of inorganic compounds
Lesson 9: Structure of the atom. Distribution of electrons by energy levels
Lesson 11: Types of chemical bonds. Covalent bond
Lesson 12: Ionic and metallic bonding. Intermolecular interaction. Types of crystal lattices
Lesson 13: Oxidation state. Redox reactions
Lesson 14: Mixtures of substances. Solutions
Lesson 18: General characteristics of non-metals. Hydrogen. Water
Lesson 21: Elements of Group VI. Nitrogen and its compounds
Lesson 23: Elements of IVA group. Carbon and its compounds
Lesson 24: Silicon and its compounds. Construction Materials
Lesson 27: Iron. Corrosion of metals and alloys
Lesson 29: Experimental foundations of chemistry. Chemical pollution of the environment
Professional approach
Advantages: Attentive staff, help with any questions, top-class teachers. Disadvantages: None My son started studying chemistry in the summer with teacher Andrei Fedorovich, preparing for the Unified State Exam. A very strong breakthrough in knowledge, simple, easy and accessible. Now we have added additional classes in biology with Svetlana Viktorovna, the child really likes the approach, how the classes are structured and the natural...