Management of state and municipal procurement (44-FZ and 223-FZ) - course 44,800 rubles. from HSE, training 2 months, Date: April 10, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
The course “Management of state and municipal procurement (44-FZ and 223-FZ)” is aimed at training specialists and experts in the field of state and municipal procurement, as well as lawyers, economists and accountants.
When completing the training, you will learn the basics of procurement activities, the rules for determining a supplier, calculating the NMCC, the basics and features drawing up technical specifications, rules for conducting an electronic auction and its features, learn about electronic actuation and how it works, We will consider how to correctly apply the national regime, we will analyze in detail the processes of digitalization of state and municipal procurement and much more other.
Ministry of Finance of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
Ministry of Economic Development and Investment of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
State government institution of the Nizhny Novgorod region “Order Placement Center of the Nizhny Novgorod Region”.
The course program was developed by practical teachers who have been working in the public (municipal) procurement system for more than 10 years.
Teachers work in government bodies authorized in the field of state (municipal) procurement.
All materials of the remote part of the course are transferred to the student for unlimited use.
Modern content and use of modern information technologies.
Adaptation of the course program to the customer.
After advanced training in the center’s programs, we provide assistance in finding open vacancies and further employment.
All materials of the remote part of the course are transferred to the student for unlimited use.
Free participation in seminars, webinars and open discussions of the center.
Consultation from the course teacher.
Leave an application on the website and send the necessary documents to [email protected].
Sign the contract and pay for the training.
Start training.
− a scan of the application for training on the organization’s letterhead with details and the signature of the head: name of the organization/payer, email address of the student/organization, postal address, INN/KPP;
− scan of a state-issued document on higher or secondary vocational education;
− scanned pages with passport details and registration.
Admission conditions
The course is open to students with higher education and secondary vocational education.
Class schedule
The face-to-face part of the course takes place online from 18:00 to 21:00 in the remote system
Composition of classes
40% homework 30% practical classes 30% lectures
Technical support throughout the course, as well as consulting on the training program
Contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs. 170 academic. hour.
1. The concept of a contract system. Principles. Goals. Tasks. Review of changes in procurement regulations in 2022/2023. Information support of the contract system.
2. Methods for determining the supplier (contractor, performer). Sole supplier (contractor, performer). Advantages and limitations in procurement. Declaring the auction invalid. The concept of the initial (maximum) contract price, its purpose, methods of determination. Request for quotes in electronic form.
3. Planning public procurement and choosing a procurement method.
4. Preparation and conclusion of a contract.
5. Features of the formation of technical specifications.
6. Violation of legislation in the field of state (municipal) procurement. Review of violations of the requirements of Federal Law-44 and other regulations adopted in accordance with it. Review of FAS law enforcement practice. Responsibility of customers, contract service employees, contract managers, members of procurement commissions for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of procurement.
7. National regime. Requirements for procurement participants. Security procedures. Rules for describing the procurement object.
8. Competitions. Open competition in electronic form, closed competition, closed competition in electronic form. The procedure for concluding, executing, amending and terminating contracts. Acceptance. Calculation of penalties (penalties and fines).
9. Electronic auction and its features. Procedure for conducting an electronic auction: preparation and placement of notices and documentation, consideration of parts 1 and 2 of applications. Declaring the auction invalid. Features of conducting electronic auctions and analysis of typical violations committed by customers during its conduct.
10. Electronic activation.
11. Staffing of the procurement process.
Organization and conduct of procurement activities in accordance with the federal law “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” No. 223-FZ dated July 18, 2011” .102 academic. hour.
1. Review of legislation regulating procurement of certain types of legal entities, taking into account recent changes:
— general issues of application of the federal law “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” No. 223-FZ of July 18, 2011;
— unified information system;
- national regime.
2. General rules for organizing and conducting the procurement of goods, works and services. The procedure for developing the Procurement Regulations:
— planning. Formation of a schedule and procurement plan;
— procurement regulations;
— suspension of the FAS procurement plan.
3. Supplier Definition:
— procedure for determining the supplier;
— conformity assessment;
— compliance monitoring.
4. Conclusion of contracts:
— register of contracts;
— register of unscrupulous suppliers.
Digitalization of state and municipal procurement.85 academic. hour.
1. Legal regulation of the digital transformation of the public procurement system.
2. Electronic document management in the procurement system is the basis of digital transformation. Structured document flow in the procurement system.
3. GIS EIS as Big data.
4. Elements of digital transformation: electronic acceptance, digital contract, digital registers, electronic appeal, “Risk monitoring” and “Risk control” subsystem.
Anti-corruption in the public procurement system.34 academic. hour.
1. Concept, principles and anti-corruption measures
2. Conflict of interest: concept and typical situations.
3. Corruption risks in the system of state and municipal procurement. Responsibility for corruption-related offenses.
Final certification.17 academic. hour.
Testing in the LMS system.