Counseling psychology: Effective strategies for practical psychological assistance - course 47,400 rub. from Moscow School of Practical Psychology, training 544 academic hours, date of November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
Gain a profession, new knowledge and skills in the field of counseling psychology or become a psychologist with our educational program!
Discover unique opportunities for professional and personal growth by joining a community of expert psychologists! Our programs will help you expand your knowledge and skills in the field of counseling and become part of the in-demand profession of psychology.
1. Each discipline has:
Video lectures or text materials that are presented with interactive elements, infographics and automatic knowledge testing
2. Practical tasks
During practical assignments, students practice the learned techniques, tools and reinforce the theory. Each discipline will have one or more tasks. The teacher gives feedback.
3. Additional materials
Live broadcasts with course teachers, where consulting skills are developed and useful lectures about the profession are given from expert practitioners.
Upon completion of the training program, pass the final certification and receive an education document - a diploma of professional retraining
After completing the course, you receive a diploma of professional retraining with a qualification. (License No. L035-01298-77/00180430, order No. 350L dated 06/01/2020)
Business psychologist. Graduate of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Department of Social Psychology. Author of socio-psychological trainings
Professional psychologist, speaker, candidate of psychological sciences, art therapist, certified NLP practitioner, presenter of psychological games.
General professional disciplines
Psychology of Personality
Personality psychology as a branch of psychological knowledge. Individual, personality, individuality. Structural and systemic approaches to describing personality in psychology. Personal development. Personality as the subject of his life path. Psychological health of the individual. Personality in conflict. Personal self-awareness
Social Psychology
Introduction to social psychology. Psychology of communication. Conflicts in communication. Interpersonal perception. Group psychology. Group formation and group dynamics. Making a group decision. Small group management. Social and psychological problems of personality. Socialization process. Social setting.
Professional ethics of a psychologist
Psychodiagnostics as a field of psychological knowledge. Functions of psychodiagnostics. Classification of psychodiagnostic techniques. Requirements for psychodiagnostic methods. Reliability and validity of psychodiagnostic methods. Humanitarian and natural science approaches in psychology. Nomothetic and ideographic approaches in psychodiagnostics. Moral and ethical standards and problems of psychodiagnostic examination
Special disciplines
Psychological counseling
Goals and objectives of psychological counseling. Types of psychological assistance. Organization of psychological counseling. Stages of psychological counseling. Ethical principles of psychological counseling. Requirements for a consulting psychologist. Skills of a psychological consultant. Basic skills of a psychological consultant. Sophisticated counseling skills. Specialized counseling skills. Methods of psychological counseling. Testing in psychological counseling. Basic queries in psychological counseling. Types of clients. Anxiety disorders. Basic queries in psychological counseling. OCD; hysterical, paranoid, schizoid, narcissistic personality type. Basic queries in psychological counseling. Working with grief and crying clients. Theories of psychological counseling. Client resistance. Assessing the effectiveness of psychological counseling.
Psychological Internet consulting
The Internet as a space and means of psychological assistance. Social perceptions and scientific evidence of the effectiveness of distance counseling and psychotherapy. Unique characteristics of Internet counseling and psychotherapy. Types and organizational methods of E-consulting. Process and techniques of Internet counseling and psychotherapy. Particular problems of Internet consulting. Personal characteristics and competencies of specialists working on the Internet. Prospects for psychological counseling and psychotherapy on the Internet
Psychological business consulting
Definition and types of counseling. Features of psychological counseling. Differences from training and psychotherapy. Advisory contact. Active listening techniques. Consulting technology. Ethics of counseling. Methods of influence in psychological counseling. Features of business communication. Business psychology. Basic requests of business psychologist clients. Consulting for managers. Coaching technologies in business consulting. An approach to working with values in management consulting.
Family psychological counseling
Topic 1. Family as a sociocultural phenomenon
Topic 2. Family as a system
Topic 3. Family structure
Topic 4. Regulatory crises
Topic 5. Non-normative crises
Topic 6. Communications in the family
Topic 7. Symptom and its function in the family system
Topic 8. Circular interview
Bonus module
Workshop on psychological counseling
Practice, consulting, case methods
Final interdisciplinary exam