English for kids - course RUB 44,736. from SkySmart, training 64 lessons, Date November 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
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“Together with my students, I overcome all the mistakes and adversities that appear on our path to learning English”
“In English lessons we have fun, have fun, laugh, smile, rejoice!”
“The ability to think logically and reason is what chess teaches. This is not only the most accessible, but also the fairest game, where nothing depends on luck."
5 lessons
Little students will learn what words to greet each other and say goodbye, how to say their name and get to know others. They will also learn some colors and names of toys.
Examples of topics:
Nice to meet you
Let's play together
Let's color
What color is it?
5 lessons
The child learns new English words, such as paper, pencil, pencil case, computer, headphones, etc. Together with the teacher, children will collect everything they need for online school, and will also continue to memorize simple verbs: stand up, sit down, smile, open, etc.
Examples of topics:
I have got a rucksack
Have you got scissors?
Scissors and glue
Rock, scissors, paper
5 lessons
While learning the names of fruits, children will tell the tutor which ones they love most, and at the same time remember new colors. During the lessons we will play shop, and the kids will learn how to ask the seller for the price. Also, by the end of the module, each student will be able to confidently count to 7 in English.
Examples of topics:
I love fruit!
Plums are purple
The fruit basket
5 lessons
During the lessons of this module, children will guess pets by sounds, learn a song together with the teacher, and at the end of the module they will make a mask of their favorite animal.
Examples of topics:
I love my cat
A mouse in a house
Let's play
Guess who
5 lessons
Children will continue to learn English counting to 10, learn the names of toys and be able to count them. We dedicated a separate online lesson to computer games.
Examples of topics:
My toys
Let's count the toys
I've got a dinosaur
My computer games
5 lessons
Children will learn the names of weather phenomena, sing songs about rain, wind, snow and, of course, chat in English. The classes are structured so that the children speak independently 60% of the time.
Examples of topics:
What's the weather like?
Rain, rain, go away!
It's windy
The weather forecast
5 lessons
In this part of the English course for kids we will talk about family. In one of the homeworks, the child will need to prepare family photos and find out more about their relatives. Words such as dad, mom, brother, sister, grandmother, etc. will appear in the child’s dictionary. And to make it easier to learn them, the program contains interactive games, poems and songs.
Examples of topics:
Family photos
I love my family
Brothers and sisters
My day
5 lessons
Every day we wash ourselves, get dressed and do other usual things. In this module, preschoolers will learn how such things are called in English, and will also learn the names of body parts. To make them easier to remember, we included in the course games and exercises in the “repeat after me” style, with the help of which kids will replenish their vocabulary with new verbs.
Examples of topics:
Wash your face
My morning
Follow me!
My tummy hurts
5 lessons
Children will learn the names of products, talk with the teacher about their favorite dishes and remember several “culinary” verbs. Songs and thematic videos will help them with this. Towards the end of the English course for toddlers, students will be able to easily understand short stories and requests from the teacher.
Examples of topics:
Lots of chips
I like cheese
I am hungry
In the fridge
5 lessons
We devoted the final part of the course to wild animals, and during the lessons the children will go to a virtual zoo. They will remember the names of animals, depicting their habits and dancing, learning short poems. At the end, the child will take a final test to find out how well he has mastered the course materials.
Examples of topics:
Going to the zoo
Dance like the animals
The monkey