Be your own psychologist in difficult times - course RUB 2,990. from 4brain, training 4 weeks, date December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
Negative emotions and constant stress slow down a career, and the ability to overcome them and think with a cool head makes a person more professional.
We often take out negativity on other people, chilling or destroying relationships. The ability to understand your emotions and calmly convey them to your interlocutor allows people to strengthen relationships.
Negative emotions negatively affect a person’s mental and physical health. Today it is important to always be able to help yourself cope with them.
Emotions and empathy
The role of emotions in life, what they are, the dangers of not being able to understand your emotions and the reasons for their occurrence, and what affects the development of emotional intelligence.
How does fear arise at the physiological level, what is its role, what types of fear are there and techniques for regulating it.
Physical and psychological stress, causes of its occurrence, symptoms and stages, the ability to distinguish between “bad” and “good” stress and techniques for regulating “bad” stress.
How apathy manifests itself: from fatigue to emotional burnout and depression, what are the reasons for its occurrence and what needs to be done to get out of it.
Why sadness is a socially disapproved emotion and how to allow yourself to be sad and worry so as not to feel like a whiner and not go into despair.
Guilt and shame
The difference between guilt and shame, what toxic guilt is, how we are manipulated using this feeling and how to stop feeling guilty while remaining a good person.
Jealousy and envy
How to recognize these feelings in yourself or in relation to yourself, the reasons for their occurrence and regulation techniques.
What is “good” anger, what is its task and benefit for a person and how to prevent it from turning into “bad”, how to overcome your temperament and outbursts of anger and aggression.
What are the functions of this emotion, what determines a person’s individual sensitivity, and how to help yourself cope with this feeling of discomfort and hostility.
What to do when the ground has been pulled out from under your feet, and how to gain emotional stability if you have to continue interacting with the betrayed person.
Having successfully completed the course, you will learn to timely diagnose stress in yourself and your subordinates, and maintain an optimal level of stress in yourself and your employees to solve work problems. You will choose your individual way of behavior in stressful situations, identify your strengths and areas of development. You will learn practical techniques for managing stress before it occurs, while you are in a stressful situation, and after you get out of it.
7 990 ₽