Translation freelance: libertines or serfdom?
Tips / / December 19, 2019
The last time Constantine told us, how to hack into English without textbooks: a short but difficult option. This time - about the main features of the remote translation.
Translator is the state of the company, but it works (most of the time) at home. This is a basic version and a springboard for the majority of experts, which is important official experience, but either to go to work far away, or insufficient load or conditions / staff are not very satisfied. Unfortunately, this option is practiced mainly small businesses, which do not like to bother with the documentation of the special employment relationship - in some research institute or the bank did not even stutter. If you for some reason you can not sit out the required hours in the officeRefer to the head, and if it is adequate, you should not refuse.
Polushtatke I'm working on myself. I allowed it, in exchange for increasing the production of (a is almost by itself by optimizing the time), a visit to the office polnedeli (to be in the know and do not soften) and maximum remote accountability and reporting (on call on the phone and mail). Let the time on the road must now spend at work, but travel savings and improvement of health (the first day of the change of regime), it pays off. It turns out a compromise between ease of labor and a stable income.
Averaged version of the translation of freelancing with white employment. In this case, the translator already does not go anywhere (except for the signing of the contract and acts of acceptance), but it fulfills its obligations to 1-3 by employers. Semi-independence and flexibility allow you to choose work to their liking and plan for employment if the employer gives a little load, you can add it to another. When polunadomke Translators and more secured contractual relations, protecting one of the non-payment, and the second - from the failure to work.
Naturally, the employer is easier to make a remote employee from the former full-time or an acquaintance than to look at the freelance market. So the company is also at risk due to fraud artists, so you need an interpreter for remote contracts Well proven quality performance of long-term projects, to trust him and at a distance. Polunadomke When payment is made on a personal card or e-wallet interpreter (WebMoney, PayPal, «Yandex. Money").
With polunadomkoy I do not develop (mostly for the reason stated at the end of the article), but I hope to test yourself here. Especially, they say, there are earning quite well.
Full freelance, The highest translation aerobatics... Black employment with the ability to work even with the ISS and accountability for results.
Earn any money from your sofa - tempting, is not it? It would seem that only a stable internet and incoming emails via SMS notifications. However, the imaginary freedom requires Spartan self-limitation and personal life (if not the renunciation of it). Home-based translator feeds orders (usually one-off), which still need to grab in fierce competition with his colleagues on the websites of freelance exchanges. For the opportunity to work in the journey to pay Internet addiction - life moves to the stock exchange and in the mail. It is impossible to plan their time to the customer anyway, is now working hours or weekend, the order will overtake you even at night, and if you refuse, then you and will no longer load.
It seems that this translator chooses the customer (and better direct the employer), but if you look at the number of comments for any project, it turns out the opposite. In addition to the electronic wallet, a freelancer is necessary portfolioThat work enough years. So try your hand at nadomke comes after several successful years at least polunadomki. By the way, one more proof freelance slavery - is that these exchanges are for the sake of long-term contracts from 1-2 employers (see. polunadomku). Therefore, I feel that is completely home-based and self-sufficient (not dependent housewives) translators are not more than 10%. This is an elite cohort (often sotsiofobnyh) sverhprofi. For most translators nadomka remains a hobby, part-time job.
My experience nadomki associated with the execution of orders for the 4-5 agencies (one very well-known), and it is not very complicated. And I started my translation wrestler with translations of newspaper advertisements. Then we went to part-time work at the co-operation of the second official one leads English-language sites about Japanese literature, travel and IT, and the other - a popular site for English learning. Theme was a joy, and a stable load with a corresponding income rescued during periods of unemployment.
Years later, I decided to try his luck in freelance after the loss of a stable, but zhestkorezhimnoy workHe saw me breath of fresh air and the possibility of financial independence. One agency paid at a very good rate, but is loaded once a month. The second board is less, but it is loaded once a week. Third, pay the average weighting once a week and it was very demanding on the design of translations of legal documentation. The fourth is loaded through the roof, but mediocre rates. And finally, most of my large agency has ceased to contact me for services after the break, associated with the employment office, and abruptly swamped with orders, when they had a blockage and I've already found the main employment. In general, no freedom, no independence... By the way, as a rule, the smaller the agency, the higher the rate poznakovaya and less red tape.
Register on freelance exchanges I did not after a week of fruitless negotiations with a potential customer, I found a sample site with open contacts. For almost agreeing hire for contracting my uncle suddenly ceased to correspond ...
And now the biggest pitfalls to which I have come across more five years ago.
One of the agencies, employers insisted on getting me the status of an individual entrepreneur, and after the failure has ceased to work. Another was to pay a fee of over 20 000 and bank transfer any amount of SP-only translators. That is, I can not get through a week on card earned. The fact that the government has undertaken "to whiten" the translation of business and employers support this campaign to translate translators poluyuridichesky status. Pay income tax of 6% instead of 13% - is tempting, is not it? but when meticulously counting with all the contributions and deductions it appears that a freelancer pays the state the same money as in the official registration. In this case, the employer does not pay any taxes, accounting spihivaya on the performer.
Colleagues, you want to run the tax, losing time during which you can translate?! And I'm about the same: accountant - buhgalterovo, interpreter - Perevodchikova. Thus, the "white" workers are forced to take dopnagruzku and "black" - out of the shadows and to pay taxes on income is not always sufficient.
Personally, I resist the SP as the yoke of state capitalism, and continue to work in the old way.
Freelance translation is very different, and the net nadomka so in general is hardly better office slavery. To avoid it, developing progressively from regular nadomki to that line beyond which freedom turns into lzhesvobodu.
Konstantin Zaitsev, translator of English