Business English - course RUB 41,540. from Skyeng, training 26 hours, date November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
1. Networking
2. Customer care
3. Project management
4. Leadership
5. Career ladder
6. Company presentations to clients
1. Networking
You will learn: the rules of conducting a small talk, strategies for meeting business partners, how to make the most of the opportunities of the TEDxSadovoeRing Conference.
You will learn: to start a conversation, get acquainted, find the right topics for conversation, avoid questions on sensitive topics, maintain contact after meeting, write short messages about yourself.
The section includes lessons:
•Making contact
• Communication styles
• Case study: networking at the TEDx conference
• Case study: attending the TEDx conference
• Progress test
2. Customer care
You will learn: how to interact with the support service to achieve a solution to the problem, as well as the secrets of productive work with clients using the example of the Aviasales system.
You will learn to: describe a situation over the phone, discuss ways to resolve it, solve problems with customer services, convincingly present your point of view, write reviews and complaints about products or services.
The section includes lessons:
•Customer service
• Resources and communication
• Case study: effective customer support service
• Case study: Aviasales
• Progress test
3. Project management
You will learn: how to use time fruitfully, what tasks to give priority to, and how to implement cross-team projects using the example of a case from VkusVill.
You will learn: to negotiate, including on the terms and conditions for completing project tasks, to put forward assumptions, justify changes in the timeline, propose solutions, discuss the need to hire an external specialist
The section includes lessons:
• Meeting deadlines
• Setting priorities
• Case study: Vkusvill website redesign
• Case study: project negotiations
• Progress test
4. Leadership
You will learn: basic leadership styles, the differences between effective and ineffective meetings, how to motivate all participants to find joint solutions using the example of MADS strategies.
You will learn to: communicate effectively with colleagues and subordinates, optimize the distribution of tasks, including at meetings, give comprehensive instructions, and prevent conflicts during meetings.
The section includes lessons:
• Situational leadershi
• Case study: chairing the kick-off meeting MADS
• Case study: practice chairing the kick-off meeting
• Progress test
5. Career ladder
You will learn: how to make a career within the company, present your goals, negotiate for a promotion.
You will learn to: describe your skills and achievements, justify preferences for salary and position, explain processes to newcomers, put forward and respond to proposals, evaluate solution options.
The section includes lessons:
• Onboarding a new employee
• Career counseling
• Case study: speaking a raise
• Case study: getting a promotion
• Progress test
6. Company presentations to clients
You will learn: how to make a presentation lively and engaging, why storytelling is important for a company and how to use it.
You will learn: to convincingly present your company and its individual achievements to clients, to attract the audience's attention to important points of speech, to make references.
The section includes lessons:
• The art of Pecha Kucha
• A company profile: telling a story to clients
• The “Tochka” bank: adding a client focus to presentations
• Making an effective presentation
• Progress test