Python for data analysis - free course from Skypro, training 2.5 months, date November 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
Skypro is an educational platform from the Skyeng company. The platform offers programming courses, webinar recordings and teaching materials. The curators of the site are in touch with students. Today the portal offers discounts of up to 35% and an affiliate program. You can start studying at any convenient time or according to the approved schedule.
Skypro - programming, marketing, analytics and other professions. Online courses and free webinars. We offer up-to-date methods for effective learning. We provide educational loans. Learn at your own pace. View lessons, solve practice problems and get useful materials.
Online University of Cost-Effective Education Skypro
— we teach IT professions
— we help improve the quality of life
- inspire change
Skypro is an educational platform with predominantly technical specialties in the fields of programming, analytics, and finance. The portal also offers partner courses on design and marketing. The main differences of the online university are the use of innovative developments, a large number of practical tasks and regular updating of curriculum.
Director of Analytics at Skyeng.
The course will allow you to study the topic of OOP and improve your level of Python proficiency. This course is a logical continuation my course on the basics of Python programming Without knowledge of the basics of Python, this course will be difficult for assimilation.
Can you answer which flag is better to open a file with? What is the difference between rt+ and ab+? What is a file stream and when should you use the io library? How to recursively read the contents of all files in a folder tree? How to work with the file system correctly? Why do you need to validate files and in what cases should you use base64? We will answer each of these questions and show you how to properly use your new knowledge.
In this course, you will become familiar with the principles and tools of automated testing in Python.