Portfolio building - rate 90,000 rub. from the British Higher School of Design, training 3 months, date November 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 01, 2023
Graphic designer and illustrator, graduate of the British Higher School of Design (BA (Hons) Illustration).
2012–2013 Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design, University of Hafordshire, Hatfield, England
2004–2005 Academic drawing courses, Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after Stroganov
2020, Advanced training under the program of additional professional education “Teaching Excellence”, School of Education, Universal University, Moscow, Russia
2019, British Higher School of Art and Design, University of Hertfordshire, BA (Hons) Fine Art, First Class Degree, Moscow, Russia
2016, British Higher School of Art and Design, University of Hertfordshire, Foundation Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
2020, Wet Paint, Online exhibition, The Colors of Humanity Gallery
2020, Athens Open Art, Art. Number23 Gallery, Athens, Greece
2020, RED, Online exhibition, The Colors of Humanity Gallery
2020, Shoverbrunch Contemporary, curator – Andrey Dalakashvili, exhibition + brunch, ShaverLover, Moscow, Russia
2019-2020, Merry Carousel: Issue Two, curator – Andrey Bartenev, Gallery HERE on Taganka, Moscow, Russia
2019, Soup, curator – Ian Charlesworth, as part of the Parallel Program of the 8th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, CC ZIL, Moscow, Russia
2019, TemperatYRA! 2.0, Art Community YRA!, within the framework of the Microbiennale of Horizontal Initiatives, Moscow, Russia
2019, Surprise X, curated by Alexandra Kollaros, The Project Gallery, Athens, Greece
2019, Art, curator – Saxon Paredes, Arts Lab Fort Collins, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
2019, Praxis, graduation exhibition of students of the British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
2019, Infinite need or need of the Infinite?, Art Community YRA!, Library 118, Moscow, Russia
2019, Open Art Festival, Moscow, Russia
2019, …peep…, curated by Daria Setevinets and Rina Volnykh, British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
2019, ARTLINE PROJECT, Underline space, MEGA Teply Stan, Moscow, Russia
2018, BYOB, Proun gallery, Moscow, Russia
2017, Signs and Symbols, DK Stimul, Moscow, Russia
2017, Chairs, curators – Arina Efanova, Bella Pokrova, Victoria Romanovich, Daria Setevinets, Maria Mednikova, Maria Mozgovaya, Moscow Drama Theater Man, Moscow, Russia
2016, Parasite Sculptures, Art group Pisos, Artplay design center, Moscow, Russia
2016, Faced Out, Crystal plant, Moscow, Russia
2016, FMP Exhibition, British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
Curatorial projects:
2019, …peep…, together with Arina Efanova, British Higher School of Design, Moscow, Russia
2018, Contrast | Construct, 6th Moscow International Biennale of Young Art, student organization MOST, MARS Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia
2017, Chairs, curators – Arina Efanova, Bella Pokrova, Victoria Romanovich, Daria Setevinets, Maria Mednikova, Maria Mozgovaya, Moscow Drama Theater Man, Moscow, Russia
Participation in other projects:
2020, Emmie America photo project in support of Yulia Tsvetkova, model, [Online] https://meduza.io/feature/2020/06/27/zhenskoe-telo-eto-chto-to-realnoe-estestvennoe-a-ne-pornograficheskoe
2020, Isolation, a series of short films by Alena Pimanova
2020, Donations during the Plague, Portraits on Masks, donatetoartists.ru, Admins of the channels “You’re such a Pepperstein today”, “Damn analysts”, “Underground workshop of WINZAVOD”, “I would have drawn it like that myself”
2020, Video performance To Whom It May Concern as part of the experimental film A Temporary Loss of Information, [Online] https://vimeo.com/404233113
2020, PERFORMANCE The Art of Being Dead, short film, director – Nina Moiseeva, trailer: [Online] https://youtu.be/AVqXNebVzNc
2020, V.P.O.E.C.E.R.U.I., Art group Pisos, film screening, ShaverLover, Moscow, Russia
2019, V.P.O.E.C.E.R.U.I., Art group Pisos, film screening, CC ZIL, Moscow, Russia
2019, Art and Muffin, performance, British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
2019, Swap-Show, performance within the project of Maria Mozgova, StudioHall, Moscow, Russia
2017, V.P.O.E.C.E.R.U.I., Art group Pisos, film screening, Artplay design center, Moscow, Russia [Online] https://youtu.be/aqPUlJFVEsk
Professional experience:
2019 – present, ArtsCool Digital Design course teacher, British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
2020 – present, Teacher of the course Uteens Creative Illustration, Universal University, Moscow, Russia
2020, From Georges Braque to Shawarma: History of the day, Lecturer and master class presenter, ShaverLover, Moscow, Russia 2019, Assistant curator of the ArtsCool Digital Design course, British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
2019, Assistant Curator Teens Summer Camp: Mixed Media Animation, Britanka ArtsCool, British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
2018-2019, Guest lecturer ArtsCool Digital Design, British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
2019, Introduction to Abstraction: Damien Hirst’s Spin Paintings, Lecturer and master class presenter, British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
2019, Assistant Curator ArtsCool British Holidays: British Street Art, British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
2018, Assistant Curator, Make it British! British Art and Subcultures: Dream, Discover, Design; British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
2018, Assistant to the producer and creative director of Munro Productions, Moscow, Russia
2017-2018, Mediator, 6th Moscow International Biennale of Young Art, Moscow, Russia
Grants, residences:
2020, Fine Arts, Tavrida, Tavrida Art Fest, Sudak, Kapsel Bay, Crimea
2020, Workshop Art Park Tavrida, Public Art, team #2 of Roman Ermakov and Cheslav Shvaikov, Sudak, Kapsel Bay, Crimea
‘Daria Setevinets. Mask Portraits: Careful Transparency’, Art Hole Magazine (UK) vol. 1, June 2020 ‘Under the “crown”: Daria Setevinets, #36, Remains of the Day’, Colta, colta.ru, 9 June 2020, Online: https://www.colta.ru/galleries/specials/24503-bolshoy-fotoproekt-pod-koronoy#ad-image-0
‘Daria Setevinets’, Athens Open Art, Art Number23, Online Catalog: https://issuu.com/artnumber23/docs/athens_open_art_5thjune-2 ‘Daria Setevinets’, florencecontemporary.com, Online Catalog: https://issuu.com/florencecontemporarygallery/docs/catalogo_20201
‘Students and projects: Daria Setevinets’, britishdesign.ru, Online: https://britishdesign.ru/works-gallery/142734/
‘Queer Moscow: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Russia’s LGBT Creative Revolution’, The Calvert Journal, 31 July 2019,
Online: https://www.calvertjournal.com/features/show/11285/queer-moscow-o-zine-lgbtq-revolution ‘Consumption in the Context of Contemporary Art: Interview with Daria Setevinets’,
PeoplePlusIdeas Podcast, soundcloud.com, Online: https://soundcloud.com/peopleplusideas/potreblenie-v-kontekste- sovremennogo-iskusstva-intervyu-s-darey-setevinets
‘Daria Setevinets. Bought Happiness', WOTISART? Magazine (UK) vol.24, March 2019
‘Daria Setevinets. Oh, You! Series’, A5 Magazine (UK) vol.25, April 2019
- studio classes
- use of various artistic techniques and technologies: work in the workshop of printed graphics, sculpture and ceramics, 3D prototyping, photo studio, computer classes
- experimentation with mixed creative techniques, use of non-traditional materials
- basic principles for developing creative projects in the British higher education system - from the ability to understand and interpret the task, through conducting research, cyclically searching for ideas and corresponding materials, reflecting the development of the project in a sketchbook, to selection and implementation own decision
- mastering the basics of student-tutor interaction in British art education
- development of several projects according to briefs recommended by the School
- methods for selecting your best works, the logic of the presentation sequence and possible presentation formats, recommendations for interviewing
For those planning to enroll this year, the results of viewing works, sketchbooks and interviews with teachers will be counted as passing similar entrance tests (including for high school graduates who are completing their studies (11 grades) in the current year).
The course also requires independent work (approximately 10 academic hours per week).