Life hacking for the lazy: how to convert Youtube to TV
Tips / / December 19, 2019
On Youtube you can find anything you want, but sometimes there are videos to watch is not very convenient. I would like to put all videos in a row, to settle in a chair with a cup of tea and just watching, talking with friends. In general, as on TV. But all too accustomed to the fact that he selects content and watch it without advertising, well, almost no advertising. It turns out that there is an alternative that combines television and video hosting. The program, which runs on all platforms: Windows, Mac Os X and of Ubuntu, and not eating a lot of RAM.
So, this program is called Multitube, and you can download it here. And now, how it connects Youtube and TV.
Enjoying non-stop
To access the program and subscribe to your favorite channels, does not need an account on YouTube. You simply download the Multitube, look what you like, and watch videos without stopping, like on TV.
Videos can be removed from the list reordered by simply dragging and delete all.
You can use normal mode, a compact - a small window without a menu of all windows, and, of course, the full screen in which no foreign element, only the video. In the screenshot below normal.
In general, all the amenities for a relaxing view of a single video stream. If your request is not found so many records or stream is over, you can find similar videos on Multitube has this feature.
About the search needs to be told separately, because this program has everything for you to find the right content and compiled a list with no problems.
Search by criteria
To find a video, simply type the keywords that you want to see. The program has several video selection criteria. You can set the quality up to 1080p (Full HD), sort videos by relevance, date added, number of views and ratings duration.
You can search by channel name, or put in a search is not a keyword, and a link to the video you want to Yutuba.
When you open the program, showing all your previous requests, and you can easily watch it, that it did not work last time, without having to painfully recall "what have I gained there yesterday." By the way, the story can be cleaned, if necessary.
Oh, and more - if you like some video, you can not share the problems in his Facebook, Twitter or send the link via e-mail.
Advantages and disadvantages
First cons:
- Free program runs only 20 days, then you have to buy a license.
- List of video may not reflect your needs, then you will still have all the time to twitch to the computer, to switch from one video to another.
Now, about the benefits of:
- Multitube does not use the Flash Player, so eating less RAM, slower laptop discharged and is not heated.
- If the playlist satisfied or you have spent a few minutes to view to bring it in order, you can simply lazy kayfovat generally motionless for viewing the entire flow.
If you have not missed the TV from Youtube, download free trial version and evaluate it yourself.