Management of information processes in PR - course 115,000 rubles. from HSE, training 5 weeks, Date: May 10, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 01, 2023
New challenges for professionals working in the field of PR require new approaches to managing information processes. It is becoming more and more difficult to build a communication strategy in an environment where new ones appear every year. information platforms, and tons of user content can instantly bring down the image of the company and its first persons
To build and maintain a positive image of the company in the eyes of business partners, the general public and company employees, you need to be able to quickly rebuild the approach to communications management, including using old practices in new formats, and find solutions for communication platforms and promotion.
Advanced training program of the Higher School of Economics “Management of information processes in PR” will update your knowledge about the modern media and PR structure and increase your profitability in the market labor.
The program is designed for PR directors, marketing, advertising and PR directors, heads of press services, as well as other specialists with experience in media communications and public relations.
During the training, program students will get to know and interact with the presenters professionals working in the PR market, people who daily update and modernize communication practices. The program is based on a practice-oriented approach, which will not only allow you to consolidate knowledge gained during trainings and business games, but also immediately design models of active work on market.
During the training, analyzing current cases, doing homework and working through crisis situations through business games, students will understand how to organize work communication department in the context of the destruction of classical media structures and the dictates of technological platforms, and what kind of communication work should be carried out on outsourcing; with the help of what tools and technologies to successfully create a brand of a company or structure and its top officials; how to help the company and its top officials adapt to changing information conditions; how to distribute the information load across accounts on social networks and how to determine the tasks that will be solved in each account; how much time is there to resolve a crisis situation and whether a crisis situation always requires an immediate response, and much more.
Participants in the program will gain arguments for the key role of public relations for sustainable development of any organization, regardless of its statutory objectives, form of ownership and goal setting. This will allow, already at the training stage, to begin preparing a detailed plan to solve the problems of positioning, promotion and brand development.
Based on the results of the training, students of the “Information Process Management in PR” program will be able to completely reconsider the information the company’s strategy, including: to audit the results already achieved and see how to fill the weak points in the current strategies; define a new concept of presence in the public field; organize the work of the team in accordance with the chosen strategic course; optimize resource and time costs when achieving goals; adjust information policy based on technological innovations and the opportunities they open; successfully repel information attacks and cope with public crises.
After successful completion of the program you will be able to
01 Select the most adequate and relevant technologies and platforms to solve current and future communication problems
02 Create a favorable background for the promotion of the company and its leaders
03 Promptly adjust your information strategy
The “Information Process Management in PR” program, unlike narrow-profile application programs, provides an integrated approach to modernizing work structures responsible for managing information processes and building the public image of government bodies and corporations, and consists of four semantic blocks.
Block "Strategy"
Block "Resources"
Block "Tools"
The Communications block will form
Block "Strategy" 14 hours
Principles of image building
Determining the most relevant ratio of information activity and interests in the media field
Creating a reputation and its correlation with the company’s reputation
Building an effective dialogue with the online community
Audit of the implementation of the organization’s communication strategy: analysis and adjustment
Identification of weaknesses and strengths of the organization’s reputation
Assessing the current image of the organization's public leaders
Technology for adjusting set and implemented tasks, identifying promotion tools in the traditional information field and social networks
Creation and adjustment of a reporting system
ESG communication and a new agenda in the development of the PR industry
Green economy, sustainable development, energy transition - what can this give my company
Is ESG about hype, about business or about life?
How communication of the ESG agenda makes it possible to change the role of the PR function
ESG strategy and new requirements for communication language and PR tools
Work with top officials of the organization
Determining the goals and objectives of the presence of top officials in public space, including social media
Determining the format of interaction between the PR department and top officials of the organization
Work of the PR department in the absence of a newsmaker
The work of the PR department when it is necessary to represent the main newsmaker
Structure and functionality of the PR department
Formation of the structure of the PR department, staffing the team
Format for setting tasks and reporting for their implementation
Organization of interaction between the press service and other departments
Creation of a system for motivating employees, including for completing professional development programs
Block "Resources" 14 hours
What is happening to the media market, how it will change in the coming years and why some adjustments to your work need to be made in advance
What is happening to traditional media and familiar channels for promoting information?
The relationship between classic and new media, the possibility of situational and strategic synergy
Rules for choosing information dissemination channels
What you need to know about legal regulations for working with information and rules for maintaining social networks
The practice of applying copyright in the work of the information department
Modern features of obtaining and distributing information on the Internet
Legal norms for maintaining social networks
How to react and how to incorporate new technological solutions into work
How standards for the presentation and dissemination of information are changing, how technological innovations affect this and how this should be taken into account in the work of the PR department
Incorporation of new opportunities and formats
Adaptation of content to new opportunities and formats
Organization of work and management in social networks
Formulation of goals and objectives of presence on social networks
Rules for choosing social networks, determining the main areas of activity
Regulation of work in social networks, creation of a system for assessing the effectiveness of work in social networks
Block "Tools" 10 hours
Preparing public leaders to interact with classical and social media
Working with the text of speeches before classical media
Preparing top officials to enter the public space
Working on social networks, defining rules and mutual obligations when choosing and maintaining accounts
Organization of additional classes for top officials
Organization of work with traditional, online media and representatives of new media
Formation of a pool of media, journalists, representatives of new media
Interaction with media management, organization of joint projects
Determining the format and criteria for the preparation and distribution of materials
Working at public events
Preparation of technical specifications for third-party contractors
Compiling an ideal technical specification: how to make a website that meets the interests of the company
SERM, ORM and other reputation tools for your website
Block "Communications" 12 hours
Working with insider information
Determining the goals and objectives of working with insider information
Selecting channels for disseminating insider information
Creation of a security system and operational fact-checking
Anti-crisis PR
Assessing the crisis and its possible consequences, determining the strategy (react\\not react)
Planning anti-crisis actions, choosing tools
Determining the effectiveness\\ineffectiveness of the campaign
Final certificationtesting