Wave update of Apple products has come and to the Mac Pro. Apple provides consumers with the ability to install the processor Quad-Core Intel Xeon 3,33 GHz (which costs an additional $ 1200) and a hard disk capacity of 2TB. These updates relate and Xserve server.
New, faster processor available to users in addition to those already available in the range of 4-core processor with a clock speed of 2.66 GHz and 2.93 GHz Xeon the Intel.
Mac Pro computer with a 4-core processor 2.66 GHz is priced at $ 2499, and the 8-core system with two processors Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor with a clock frequency of 2.26 GHz, will cost from $ 3299. The use of two 4-core 2.93 GHz will result in additional user costs $ 2,600.
By the way, say, that in the future Mac Pro will be completed and the new 6-core chip Gulftown (Core i9). He will be able to work one and a half times faster than the 4-core Xeon processors, and power at the same time will consume 50% less. Moreover, it is expected that Apple in this regard has an exclusive agreement with Intel.
As for the hard drive, the installation of a 2-terabyte drive will cost $ 550 in wishing. Given the new the HDD, the maximum amount of disk space in the Mac Pro is 8 TB, and Xserve server - 6 TB.
How much it will cost to Russia's frightening to imagine.