NEW! Preparation course for the OGE in social studies
Miscellaneous / / November 30, 2023
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Lesson 1: Society as a form of human life
- Subjects and objects of society
- Ways of interaction and inextricable connection with nature
- Biological and social in man
Lesson 2: Main areas of public life
- Spiritual realm
- Social sphere
- Economic sphere
- Political sphere
- Individual and individuality
Lesson 3: Personality and human activity
- Definition of personality
- Socialization, inclinations and personality traits
- Definition of activity
- Characteristics of forms of activity: work, play, learning
Lesson 4: Man and his environment. Interpersonal conflicts
- Interpersonal relationships
- Types and features of interpersonal communication
- Forms of human interaction in groups
- Causes of the conflict
- Stages of conflict
- Ways to resolve conflict
Lesson 5: The sphere of spiritual culture and its features. Science and education
- Culture
- Forms of manifestation of culture
- Problems of science development
- Forms and types of scientific knowledge
- Education and its importance
- Obtaining general and vocational education in the Russian Federation
Lesson 6: Religion. Morality. Humanism. Patriotism
- Forms and types of religions
- Religious organizations and associations
- Secular state
- Functions of morality
- Spirituality, humanity, patriotism, citizenship
Lesson 7: Economics and its role in the life of society. Goods and services, resources and needs
- Definition of Economics
- Basic economic issues
- Economics as a science and economy
- Factors of production and factor income
- The problem of limited resources and ways to solve them
Lesson 8: Economic systems and property. Production, productivity and specialization
- Typology of economic systems
- Forms of ownership
- Types of economic activities
- Fixed and variable costs
- Methods of organizing production
- Extensive and intensive production methods
Lesson 9: Exchange and trade. Market and market mechanism
- Barter
- World trade
- Protectionism
- Keynesianism
- Supply and demand
- Pricing
- Perfect and imperfect competition
- Types of markets
- Inflation and ways to combat it
Lesson 10: Entrepreneurship
- Forms of entrepreneurial activity
- Main risks of entrepreneurship
- Small business and farming
Lesson 11: Money. Wages and labor incentives. Income inequality
- Definition of money
- Forms and types of money
- Salary forms
- Labor incentives
Lesson 12: Taxes paid by citizens of the Russian Federation. State participation in the economy
- Tax classification
- Fiscal and monetary policy of the state
- Formation of the state budget
- Functions of the state in the economic sphere
Lesson 13: Social structure of society
- The concept of social structure of society
- Signs and structure of social relations
- The nature of social relations
- Functions of social structure
- Social groups: concept, characteristics, classification
Lesson 14: Family as a small group
- Types and functions of family
- Crisis of family relations
- Relationships between generations
- Social roles
- Features of socialization of teenagers
Lesson 15: Social values and norms. Deviant behavior
- Types of social values
- Types and functions of social norms
- Deviant and delinquent behavior
- Conformism and nonconformism
Lesson 16: Social conflict and ways to resolve it
- Classification of social conflicts
- Global problems and threats, terrorism: ways to solve them
- Interethnic relations: chauvinism, racism, genocide, nationalism, apartheid
Lesson 17: State. Separation of powers
- Concepts and signs of the state
- Power and its classification
- Separation of powers: legislative, executive, judicial
- Legitimacy of power
- Forms of government
- Forms of government
Lesson 18: Political Regimes
- Classification of political regimes
- Democracy: signs and manifestation
Lesson 19: Local government. Citizen participation in political life
- Functions of local government
- Powers of local self-government bodies
- Elections and referendum
- Electoral system
- Political parties and movements: functions, role
- Signs of the rule of law
- The rule of law
Lesson 20: Law, its role in the life of society and the state
- Legal system concept
- Types and elements of the legal system
- Structure of law
- Types and norms of regulatory documents
Lesson 21: Legal relations. Legal capacity and capacity
- The concept of legal relations
- Differences between legal capacity and legal capacity
- Signs and types of offenses
- Concept and types of legal liability
Lesson 22: Constitution of the Russian Federation
- Historical facts of the creation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
- Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation
- Principles of the constitutional system
Lesson 23: Federal structure of the Russian Federation. Government departments
- Subjects of the federation and their powers
- Functions and powers of public authorities
- Law enforcement
- Judicial system
Lesson 24: Rights and freedoms of man and citizen of the Russian Federation
- The concept of rights, freedoms and responsibilities
- Rights and freedoms of a citizen of the Russian Federation, their guarantees
- Constitutional duties
- Children's rights and their protection
- Basic regulatory and international documents on the protection of rights
- Right to work
Lesson 25: Rights and freedoms of man and citizen of the Russian Federation. Part 2
- The concept of rights, freedoms and responsibilities
- Rights and freedoms of a citizen of the Russian Federation, their guarantees
- Constitutional duties
- Children's rights and their protection
- Basic regulatory and international documents on the protection of rights
- Right to work
Lesson 26: Civil and Family Rights
- GP principles
- Sources of SOEs
- Concept and types of civil offenses
- Features of responsibility
- Functions of the joint venture
- Subjects and objects of the joint venture
- Conditions for marriage and responsibilities of spouses
- Rights and responsibilities of parents
Lesson 27: Administrative Law
- Subject and object of AP
- AP structure
- AP sources
- Types of offenses and penalties
Lesson 28: Criminal Law
- UP functions
- Criminal liability
- Principles of criminal procedure
- Types of crimes
- Types of punishment
Lesson 29: Final Lesson
- Generalization and systematization of the material covered
- Summarizing