Managing emotional intelligence in business - course RUB 32,000. from HSE, training 3 weeks, Date 6 June 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 30, 2023
Emotional intelligence is a necessary soft skill for a line employee and a hard skill for a manager.
The intensive online course “Managing Emotional Intelligence in Business” allows you to develop emotional intelligence, increase communicative competence, gain confidence in public speeches.
In 3 weeks, we will tell you how to accurately understand the emotions of others, cope with anger, distinguish sympathy from empathy, and approach any task with interest.
Highly qualified teachers of the National Research University Higher School of Economics have academic degrees and many years of practice
The course is delivered online in the format of live communication with the teacher and other group members
Learning only through practice. Obtaining not only theoretical, but also practically applicable knowledge and skills
Development of new competence in the field of emotional intelligence in 3 weeks of training
Networking: useful contacts for business and career development
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the emotional states in which you yourself are, as well as the moods and feelings that your colleagues experience at any given time
current unwanted emotions to increase your success in professional activities, negotiations, public speaking
techniques for restoring emotional and physical balance after stress and overload
Thanks to the development of emotional intelligence, you will increase your communication competence, gain confidence in public speaking, and learn how to interact effectively with a team!
Admission conditions
Students with higher education, secondary vocational education or those receiving higher education are enrolled in the program
Auditor, certified 1C specialist, entrepreneur, investor, founder of the online School of Business Management, author of books
National Research University Higher School of Economics: head of the program “Managing Emotional Intelligence in Business”, Associate Professor of the Department of Organizational Psychology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences
Emotional intelligence as a necessary competency of a modern leader 6 classroom hours.
Topic 1. Emotional intelligence is the most important skill of the future.
Content of the concepts “intelligence”, “emotional intelligence”, “emotional competence”. Models of emotional intelligence (J. Meyer, D. Caruso, P. Saloveya, R. Bar-On, D.V. Lyusin, D. Goleman, T. Bradberry). Six principles of emotional intelligence. The role and significance of emotional intelligence in personal life and professional activities.
Topic 2. Diagnosis of emotional intelligence.
Modern methods for assessing emotional intelligence: methods based on self-report and self-assessment, methods expert assessment (assessment center technologies) and methods based on problem solving (test of emotional intelligence J. Meyer, P. Salovey and D. Caruso (MSCEIT V2.0), questionnaire R. Bar-On (Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory), Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SREIT) method, “Emotional Intelligence-2” method by V.V. Odintsova, test “EmIn” D. Lyusina, MPEI methodology M.A. Manoilova, method N. Hall, the “360 degree” method (EIV 360), video test for emotion recognition (Ovsyannikova V.V., Lyusin D.V.), etc.). Methods for diagnosing individual components of emotional intelligence.
Topic 3. Opportunities for developing emotional intelligence.
Review of practices for developing emotional intelligence in Russian and international companies. Sber's experience in increasing the level of emotional intelligence of employees.
Organizing and conducting an assessment of the emotional intelligence of company employees 2 auditoriums.
Topic 1. Recognizing your own emotions.
Verbal and nonverbal manifestations of emotional state. Behavior and actions that reflect an emotional state. Models of basic emotions (P. Ekman, K. Izard, etc.) “Wheel” of emotions by Robert Plutchik. Identification of one's own emotional state. Emotion journal to develop the ability to identify emotions.
Topic 2. The ability to understand the moods and feelings of other people.
External expression of emotions. Emotion recognition markers. Levels of identifying the emotions of others. Recognizing emotions and effective communication. Techniques for increasing the ability to identify the emotions of another: photo, video, literary text, visual art.
Technologies for developing the emotional intelligence of employees 6 classroom hours.
Topic 1. Using emotional resources to achieve a goal.
Self-assessment of emotional state. "Quadrants" of mood. Tools for training employees to competently use their current emotional state. Techniques for developing the ability to use the emotional state of employees for the effective operation of the company.
Topic 2. Analysis and understanding of emotions.
Understanding the causes of emotions. Interrelation and mutual influence of emotions. The role of empathy in human life. Universal causes of basic emotions. Negative emotional states (stress, depression, fear of failure, etc.), their causes and consequences. Emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and behavior in conflict.
Approaches to organizing a system of strategic management of employees, taking into account the level of their emotional intelligence 6 class parts.
Topic 1. Managing emotions and emotional states.
Emotional triggers. Decreased emotions. Formation of “body language”. Cognitive “processing” of the problem. Relaxation and breathing techniques. Ways to neutralize long-term unpleasant emotional states (anger, fear, sadness, anxiety and etc.) and feelings (envy, jealousy, resentment, guilt) that interfere with effective activity and behavior person. The concept of “emotional burnout” and its stages. Markers of emotional burnout. Methods for preventing and correcting stress and emotional burnout
Topic 2. Psychological influence and emotional intelligence.
The concept of “psychological influence”. Attack, manipulation, argumentation as the main types of psychological influence. Protection from “barbaric” influence as a hidden technique for controlling our emotions. Techniques for managing the emotions of others in the structure of psychological influence.