I think for the average user basket in OS X does not represent any special interest - many of us simply pulls back the unnecessary files from time to time, clean it, and thereby free space on your hard ROM. That's great, but in this article I would like to tell you about some useful keyboard shortcuts, which are directly related to the removal of files and Trash. If you work at least occasionally in the file system, I think you will be good to know these shortcuts.
So, in a basket you can help the following keyboard shortcuts:
Command + Delete in the Finder instantly sends the selected item in the shopping cart system OS X.
Command + Delete to Recycle Bin returns the selected element back to the computer's file system. A similar effect can be done by right-clicking on the file and the button «Put Back».
Shift + Command + Delete It allows you to quickly clean the files in the basket. This shortcut offers a safer way, because there is a notice to the user that the action can not be undone.
Shift + Option + Command + Delete
immediately empties the Recycle Bin without any notification nezavismoy on which files are stored in it. Be careful when using this keyboard combination.Finally, I would like to make a small reservation: keyboard shortcuts only work data on the selected element (a single file, a group of folders, etc).
[via osxdaily]