There are plenty of tips on how to make your phone battery last longerBut not so many tips on how to charge the battery more quickly. You these tips will be useful when you eagerly prisosetes into an outlet will remain for 30 minutes in a cafe or at the airport when to exit out of the house, and the phone is running very low. So, here's how to charge your phone or any other mobile gadget faster.
Turn it off
When the gadget is enabled, it consumes battery power. If you switch it off, it will charge more cheerful. It helps even the introduction of the phone in "airplane mode".
If you absolutely can not remain without a connection, try not to use your smartphone while charging. Generally even lopatofon on Android with a large screen can live for 3-4 days, if it is not constantly checking Instagram not correspond to Viber.
Use the charger
Apple's official documentation says that the phone will not be charged from the USB-ports, and on the included charger. According to the logic necessary to assume that every phone charged so quickly.
Do not overheat or supercool
Longer battery charged and discharged more quickly in case of overheating and overcooling. Do not put the phone in the sun while charging and do not forget the cold. The ideal temperature for charging manufacturers refer to 22 ° C. This is normal room temperature in our area.
Optimization for USB charging
If the phone starts charging via USB from your PC - your only option, then stop the synchronization process, which may begin immediately after the connection. This is a very energy-intensive process for the phone and the battery will charge slowly.
Also, some types of PC goes into standby or hibernation mode turns off the current of USB-ports and the phone can not be charged at a time when you think it does. As for Mac laptops, they give current to the USB and in sleep mode, but only if they themselves are connected to a power source. If you are charged from the stand-alone laptop, remember that it needs to keep active, preventing sleep.
Battery Care
Apple officially recommends the full cycle for the iPhone battery at least once per month:
The proper functioning of Lithium-ion batteries, it is important to calibrate them. It is important to not less than once a month to bring the battery to 100% and then discharge it to completely turn off your phone.