“Python Developer Plus” course – course RUB 138,600. from Yandex Workshop, training 4-9-14 months, date of November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 30, 2023
✔️ You want to systematically master a profession: in one place and with the support of specialists
Why is this course a plus?
There are two programs in the Workshop: a basic one, “Python Developer,” and an extended one, “Python Developer Plus.”
Both have a simulator with theory, practical tasks, support from the support team and a responsive community of students.
1 module
Python Basics: Free Course
In this introductory course, you'll feel like you're a backend Python developer. This will help you understand whether you want to develop in this direction.
You will learn what a backend is and what problems it solves, explore the server part of the application and understand how it interacts with users and with other servers.
In each lesson, after a short theoretical part, you will write code in Python - from the very first lesson. You will work in the online simulator - our interactive environment.
You will see and feel the main thing: you can write program code yourself that will do what you intended.
2 module
Advanced Python
You will dive into the “grammar” of Python in detail, learn how to use the built-in tools and modules of this language, understand how Python works with RAM and why this is important in practice.
In each lesson you will find practical tasks, and at the end of the sprint you will write a program that processes fitness tracker data.
In this same topic, you will become familiar with the basics of object-oriented programming, install and configure a development environment, and learn how to work with a code versioning system.
At the end of the course, you will independently write a program for a fitness tracker that allows you to count steps and calories.
3 module
Backend on Django
The main topic of the course is working with the Django web framework, this is a software “designer” for creating web projects. You will create a web application - it will be a blogging platform. In the process, you will learn how to process http requests, connect a database to the application, and create project web pages.
Any code needs testing - you will learn to write automatic tests for your programs. Each lesson will contain practical tasks, some of which you will perform not in the simulator, but on your computer: you will deploy a development environment and run the project locally. By the end of the course, you will complete the project - and it will become the first work in your portfolio. Step by step you will create a full-fledged platform for blogs - with authorization, personal feeds, comments and subscription to authors.
4 module
API: program interaction interface
In this topic, you will understand how web projects interact with each other by requesting and transmitting information: for example, how your a Python program can communicate with Telegram servers to control the bot, which in turn can receive information from other services in Internet.
You will learn what an API is, create your own REST API service, learn how to configure interaction between frontend and backend, and also write a bot that interacts with popular web services. In addition, you will learn how authorization can be organized in different projects.
5 module
Managing a project on a remote server
Working with cloud services, setting up servers, testing and updating code - all these are routine operations that any programmer faces.
You will independently set up a server in the cloud, learn how to automate the processes of testing and updating code, and deploy your project in Docker containers on the server.
6 module
Independent project “Grocery Assistant”
You will independently write a web application “Grocery Assistant”: a site on which users will publish your own recipes, add other people's recipes to your favorites and subscribe to the publications of others authors.
The Shopping List option will allow users to create a list of products that need to be purchased to prepare selected dishes.
7 module
Algorithms and data structures
Any problem can be solved slowly and ineffectively, or it can be solved quickly and economically. An ineffective software solution can waste all of the server's computing resources and slow it down, or even break it altogether.
Studying algorithms will help you avoid such mistakes and speed up your programs. You will learn how to design solutions to offload the system - this will allow your projects to work more efficiently.
8 module
You will become familiar with parsing - the art of collecting information from websites, structuring it and displaying it in a convenient format. You will learn what “developer tools in the browser” are, learn how to examine the HTML markup of a site, and work with regular expressions.
The first independent task of the parsing course is to collect data from the site, structure it and save it in a format convenient for processing.
Another topic of the course is the Scrapy framework, a tool for creating asynchronous parsers.
9 module
Alternative Python Frameworks
Based on the Flask framework, you can implement almost any project: from a simple one-page website to a serious project with authorization, authentication and other capabilities. Flask is suitable for tasks that require flexibility in the choice of components. The developer himself decides what will be useful to him in his work.
The FastAPI framework is designed for fast fast) for API application development and is based on the use of standard Python type annotations. In this sprint you will implement two FastAPI projects, they will give you an idea of how this framework works.
10 module
Python for business
You will improve your documentation skills and learn how to use Google platform services. This will help you understand the general principle of operation of such services and in the future use this skill to work not only with Google, but also with other external services. This is a large area of work in which you can find use for yourself.
11 module
Project month: teamwork
The knowledge from the additional course lessons about soft skills will finally be useful in practice. You will take part in the development of a real project and work on team communication errors. Everything will be real: a third-party customer (non-profit organization), technical assignment, development team (you and your classmates), team lead, project, tester and CTO. There will be reviews, deadlines, reports, releases - complete immersion in reality. Throughout the program, you studied the skills and mastered the competencies necessary for developers, and the project month was a testing ground for them.
12 module
Preparing for interviews
The last sprint is devoted to the main questions and topics that are discussed during interviews: you will repeat the material covered and supplement it with theory that was not covered in the course. There are tests at the end of each topic. This sprint will take you from the fundamentals of programming to specific tricky questions related to python and web development.
Webinars with a mentor are held, on average, once every 2 weeks
Career track: employment
This part of the course is for those who have decided to find a job in the development field.
The career track is organized in the same way as the previous topics: theory and practice. But instead of programming skills, you will learn job search strategies and learn about the intricacies of choosing employer company, and as an internship you will write not code, but a resume and accompanying letter.
During the course, you will prepare a portfolio for an employer's visit and conduct research on the employment market.
Career track: acceleration
Group and individual consultations on job search strategies. Discussion of vacancies and test tasks. Analysis of complex cases.