Today's news full of reports about what hardware and software package Automatic is now available for purchase in the Apple Store. We wondered what it is and would like to share with you - it's a great gadget needed to each clever motorist. Unfortunately, to buy it for $ 100, you can still only in the US but when we stopped? ;)
It is time to make a smart car and the house is already a smart ...
Automatic - is a special smart module that plugs into your car and starts to do a lot of work, using the "brain" of your smartphone. Briefly gazhdeta work is described in the video:
Those. the idea that there is a module Automatic, which is connected to the vehicle data port and transmits the collected data on the iPhone (Android support is promised in December 2013). Check your car and smartphone compatibility with the decision, you can here.
Fuel economy
Automatic allows you to save fuel consumption just instilling in you the correct driving habits. Somewhere you lift off too sharply, priryvisto change speed and brake abruptly. All these transients increase consumption, which can be avoided. The amount of savings that are the creators of Automatic impressive and buy it if you can, it is worth it!
smartphone software will voice prompt you how to should go really well, turn all your expenses and save on fuel in a very clear format that turn driving into an amusing game.
In the event of an accident
If you get into an accident, that the Automatic can understand thanks to the built-in accelerometer. Additionally, it will dial the three numbers that you set and report the incident. In the US, the gadget will be able to call for help on 911 without your participation.
car Analytics
Since Automatic connected to the data port, it has access to the car's computer. So light on the dashboard Check Engine is now will not bother you, because you are on the phone to come with push-notification of defective parts.
Now you'll never lose your car in the parking lot. Gadget always tell where your car phone. Moreover, you can let your family members know where the car and then you can use it as a family!
If you can bring yourself or buy Automatic abroad in Apple Store, there's no better way to spend on your car $ 100. Even this solution seems to us an ideal startup decisive bunch of real problems, perfectly executed, do not hang noodles on the ears. Learn startups!