Add useful features to Google Reader via UserJS
Tips Web Services / / December 19, 2019
Despite the increasing popularity of social networks, for me personally, the most convenient way of consuming information is RSS technology. To conveniently view articles from a variety of interesting sources in one place, processing and preservation of relevant pages, search and filtering - all of these features provide rss readers, the best of which is undoubtedly, the Google Reader. However, even the most excellent product, can be improved, we now turn.
To add new functions google Reader We will use special custom scripts - UserJS. Use these scripts can be in any browser, but in different programs will be slightly different technology. The users Firefox You will need to install a special extension GreaseMonkey. Those who use the Google ChromeLuckier - the browser supports UserJS without crutches. Simply click on the link and the script will be installed as a simple extension. lovers Opera also can use the below script, but for this they need to do some manipulation described in detail here.
filtering messages
the ease of adding new feeds to your reader multiplied by the lack of time can lead to what you You begin to choke in the information flow, and unread counts firmly stuck on the mark 1000+. So let's try to filter out posts on obviously not interesting topics for you. To do this, use the script Google Reader Filter. After installing it in the upper right corner of the Google Reader has a new button. When you click on it there is a window divided into two parts. Left not introduce topics that interest you, to the right - the ones that need to be addressed. As a result, all messages containing the words from the list on the left will be displayed in gray, barely visible text, and from the right - on the contrary highlighted.
We reserve the right only
Standard functionality of Google Reader allows you to either mark all messages as read, or do it on the basis of the post date (older than one day, over the week, etc.). script Mark Selected Items as Read It allows you to read any post. Once it's installed near each message is displayed check box, and on the toolbar, the corresponding button. Now you can run through the eyes of the headlines mention birds are not interesting and with a single click to mark them as read.
read the rest
Now that the incoming information is passed a two-level cleaning and filtering, you can begin to consume her. In this we will come to the aid of a script with a long name Preview Enhanced, with Instapaper Text. Thanks to him, two links appear at the end of each article: Preview and Instapaper Preview. These links will help us to get the full text of the article, even if the source gives only her announcement. Clicking on Preview It displays the article in its original form, and Instapaper Preview - in a readable form. And the type and size of the text can be easily customized to fit your needs.
We hope that in this article to Google Reader add-ons to help you be more productive to work with information and much more to keep pace. See also our previous article on this topic - How to select the most important thing and Stylish Google Reader.