The risk in life and in the ocean
Tips Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Ocean - that's life. Sometimes it is stormy and cloudy, sometimes crystal clear and calm, with a smooth water surface. If you ever watched the movie about surfers themselves or tried to get on board, you know that if you just sit and wait, nothing good will come of it. You need to sail towards the waves and catch her, perfect. An experienced surfer can see how good is the next wave, but he was not born with this knowledge - it came to him with the experience. The more waves you catch, the more likely to get to the ideal.
Life is like an ocean - sometimes turbulent, fragile and totally muddy. Sometimes it is quiet and perfect. In the ocean, the risk and opportunity go hand in hand. The more you try to ride the wave, the more the result will catch. Every day in the water, and each wave is a new opportunity.
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Very interesting look at the lives and opportunities from the point of view of the surfers.
Every time the surfer enters the water, it risks. Every time he goes with the wave, he risks. And each wave of entrapment - is also a risk. Surfing totally unpredictable and that spurs every time to try, try and try again. And there is a strong correlation between success and risk tolerance in the ocean, and in life. And the approach to solving problems in these verses, and the process itself are the same.
Enter the water
As long as you stand on the shore and get dressed, you can watch the other surfers swim while waiting for their perfect wave. But as long as you stand on the shore, you will not catch any waves. To do this, go into the water.
"The more you try to ride the waves, the more you catch the end."
The rules of life are very similar. So exciting to look at how others start a business, go beyond your comfort zone and get a new experience. But to live someone else's life, so do not you try yourself, just watch from the side is the same as standing on the shore and watch others catch a wave. As a result, they will find their perfect wave. And not just one. And you will remain stand by and watch.
Understand and accept the fear
When you first get into the water with the waves a little larger than the average size of the usual, you begin to experience the excitement that then goes into fear. And you will be provided once under water in a stream, capturing the moment when it is safe to come up and get some fresh air. Each surfer strive to take the starting position in order to capture the perfect spot on the crest of a wave. But in order to get to this point, you have to overcome quite a raging surf.
New opportunities always go hand in hand with risk, and initially cause mild excitement that can easily escalate into fear. What if you fall through, when you open your own business, you start writing a book or try to catch a wave? In order to get to an ideal point for catching waves, you have to overcome the raging surf. And from undertaking something new, you will encounter a variety of obstacles that at first will seem insurmountable. And you have to understand that they are a natural and integral part of the process.
Search and try
Waves are completely unpredictable, which makes surfing exciting and frightening at the same time. While the new wave will roll, you will look at it and doubt. And the only way to see if you can learn to ride it - it float behind her.
Rise to the crest of the wave is the most difficult and scary part of the whole process. Gone too far forward or back - and you either smoothly glide across the wave face down to it, either were sliding (surfers call it the transition downs). To catch the wave, you have to find a middle way, when it is already up to ride it, and has not yet started strongly twist. How to take off the ridge, and throughout the entire sliding process for wave surfers have to find a middle way as Zen students.
Jamal Yogis
It is natural that people had doubts when starting something new. Therefore, you just need to accept it and find their way.
uncertainty adoption
The wave is such a moment, which is called "drop". This is when all our hopes or broken into pieces, or hard work is rewarded. And it is also the most uncertain time in the waves of life. The waveform is in constant motion and surfer must configure it. But the wave form also tends to close or disappear. That is, it would seem the perfect wave can suddenly fall apart, leaving a surfer with nothing.
Nothing in life can not be guaranteed to be 100% and there is no perfect formula that would guarantee full success, if you will live strictly adhering to the rules. Life is unpredictable and we can move on and live in peace only by taking this uncertainty. The main thing to remember that the more you try, the more likely the chance of success.
Enjoy happiness
Many experienced surfers can hear the surf comparison with sex. At that moment, when you stand on the board, magic happens - fear, doubt and uncertainty dissolve, leaving only a feeling of bliss and absolute happiness. Some researchers call this the state of "being in the zone" or "being in the flow."
At that moment, when you get on board, the risk pays off. For entrepreneurs it can be a time when their business is gaining recognition or becoming profitable. When you achieve the goal, all through what you've been punching way to success seems to be reasonable and not so scary.
Seriously think about the choice
One surfer said that surfing is the most powerful natural drug in the world. Perhaps because when you stand on the board, you are here and now. And in your mind there is nothing else - just you, the wave and the board. Osedlanie its perfect waves can bring to life calmness and tranquility.
Once you realize the consequences of their risk (good or bad), you calm down. Fear of the unknown disappears and you represent clearly what will happen at least in the near future.
Do it all over again
Once you've caught the first wave of adrenaline and calmed down, the body requires repetition. You have a feeling of omnipotence and it seems that everything is possible. You realize what they are capable, and you begin to want more. There is a strong desire to test themselves and define their borders. And the head is no longer anything but thinking about the waves.
The same thing happens with entrepreneurs, writers, artists and other people, what would they do not engage. Feeling the taste of victory at least once, they come want to repeat it again and again. They want to do something better, to surpass himself.
Speak with a surfer and he or she will tell you that if only to catch a wave and all - you are on the hook. Raging surf in life and in business is inevitable and it is not as bad as you think. It's just a natural part of life and surfing.
So far I have not had a chance to try surfing, but I have learned what a windsurfing and how it great - when you catch the wind, you feel it and you can have control over what used to be even scary approach. And this is despite the liters of salt water, which I swallowed in the learning process, the constant fall and blisters on the palms. Here you can add scarred abdomen, hips, elbows and knees - who knew that the board such that the rough and get it to the depth will not be so easy?! But all this was worth the result. And now I want more.
Perhaps when we accept and understand the risks to which we go when we become on the board, is keen skydiving or dare to participate in the Ironman, we can just as well take the risk, which is an integral part of business and life Overall?