Design thinking - course 29,500 rub. from IBS Training Center, training 16 hours, Date: December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 29, 2023
Specialist in project, program and portfolio management, investment analysis and selection projects and programs into portfolios, automation of corporate project management systems, flexible development products.
Assessor of the “Project Olympus” competition (2018) on flexible methods.
Certified professional in project management PMP PMI, MPS RP.
ICAgile Certified Agile Professional.
Certified specialist in the Advanta project management system.
Certified investment manager NAUFOR.
Co-author of R&D “Development and implementation of a project management system in government bodies of the Leningrad region” (reg. number: AAAA A16 116112350110 8).
Expert articles in the media:
Agile or PMBOK: what to choose for your IT project
Key areas of expertise:
Management of projects, project programs in compliance with deadlines and within budget;
Development and implementation of project methodology based on PMBoK, Prince2;
Flexible approaches to management (Agile/Scrum, Lean/Kanban);
Creation of distance learning courses;
Investment management: securities, investment projects, business valuation;
Analysis and description of business processes, development of methodology and key documents.
Topics covered:
1. Introduction to design thinking (theory 1 hour, practice 1 hour)
Principles of Design Thinking.
The design thinking process: empathy, focus, idea generation and selection, prototyping and testing.
2. Empathy (theory 30 min, practice 1.5 h)
User experience (UX/UI).
Stakeholder map.
Types of interviews.
A day in the life of a user: moccasins and mobile ethnography.
3. Focusing (theory 1 hour, practice 2 hours)
Customer Journey Map (CJM).
Description of the problem in POV format.
4. Generation and selection of ideas (theory 0.25 hours, practice 1.75 hours)
Other methods of generating ideas.
Methods for selecting ideas.
5. Prototyping (theory 1 hour, practice 2 hours)
Paper prototypes.
6. Testing (theory 0.25 hours, practice 1.75 hours)
Internal testing.
Testing with the user.
Testing Matrix.
7. Presentation of results (theory 0.25 hours, practice 1.75 hours)
What to do next.
Agile and project management.
Certificates and conclusions.
Theory ~ 27%; practice ~73%