Training in mobile application development - course 18,000 rub. from Coddy School of Programming for Children, training 3 modules (months)
Miscellaneous / / November 29, 2023
It’s hard to imagine a modern person without a mobile device in his hands. Phones, smartphones, tablets, netbooks and other communicators are designed to make our lives easier and provide quick access to the necessary information anywhere in the world.
In addition, the market for mobile applications is growing, with the help of which you can do anything - communicate, make shopping, book hotels, call a taxi, order food, transfer money, read books, learn languages, play and much more other. According to Mediascope, on average, Russians devote more than 80% of their time on the mobile Internet to applications. In business, having an application becomes as necessary as having a website. Therefore, the demand for professional mobile developers is growing every year.
Do you want your child to master one of the most popular and trending professions in the IT field and learn how to make their own application? Then give him a course on creating mobile applications at the CODDY programming school for children!
Purpose of the course: learning Android development and creating your own mobile application
Application development training
Mobile app is a program designed for use on mobile devices. This software is usually developed based on the interests of people and their needs for a specific platform (iOS, Android, Windows Phone) in a high-level language and compiled into native operating system code, which gives maximum performance.
Even a child can write a mobile application. Today, there are two main ways to do this - learn online lessons and application designers yourself, or take developer courses in Moscow. The latter is a must if you want to become a specialist in this field and learn how to create a high-quality and functional product. Our course will allow your child to easily master the promising and highly paid profession of a mobile application developer. The training is conducted by experienced and practical teachers who will reveal all the secrets of creating cool and professional applications. This course is recommended for every coded student over 9 years old and is aimed at showing Android development in practice.
Initially, the use of Android was very limited, but now it is the most widely accepted platform for mobile application development, which is one of the strongest rivals to another popular OS - Apple.
Benefits of Android Application Development
- Profitability. With Android, you can create complex applications at minimal cost because the Android development kit is freely available.
- Easy integration. Android can be easily integrated into any system. Developers can take full advantage of their imagination and creativity to create compelling applications that have never been used before on other platforms.
- Coding Android apps is much easier than coding apps on other platforms. Android applications are coded in Java.
- Easy application distribution. In addition to Google Play, which is the official application marketplace, you can use other third-party distribution resources.
- Excellent compatibility with devices. Android apps work seamlessly on devices from various manufacturers.
What will learning mobile application programming give you?
During the course your child:
- learn to program for Android;
- will be able to develop his own mobile application for Android;
- learns how to create a user-friendly mobile interface.
The Android mobile application development course consists of 3 modules.
The first module covers the basics of the Java programming language, as well as learning application development tools. In the lessons of the first module we will study the following topics:
- Java programming language: its syntax and basic constructs
- writing and compiling Java programs on a computer
- object-oriented paradigm in programming using classes
- Android application development environment: Android Studio
In the second module, children will begin to write their own applications, through which we will study the main aspects of Android development, such as:
- Android application structure
- working with resources
- creating XML markup files
- concept of Activity and working with screens
The third module is devoted to the development of individual projects for children. During the classes we will cover:
- processing events occurring in the program
- dynamic creation and management of UI elements
- working with multithreading
- work with the Internet in the application
Taking into account the fact that the Android platform is developing extremely actively, this knowledge will enable the child to start earning money now and find a promising job in the future. He will gain practical skills in creating applications and will effectively use the capabilities of the Android platform and resources immediately after completing the first module.
Module 1
Day One - Introduction to Android and Java
− Mobile devices and applications: history of development
− First acquaintance with Java
− “Hello World” program
− Compiling and running a Java program
Practical task: writing the first program in Java.
Lesson result: the JDK environment has been fully prepared and configured, the principles of working with the command line, compiling and running Java programs have been mastered.
Day Two - Java Basics
− Programming language syntax
− Variables, loops, branching
− Arrays and lists
− Methods and their parameters in Java
Practical task: creating a program with conditional statements, loops and individual functions.
Result of the lesson: learning the basics of Java language syntax.
Day Three - Object-Oriented Programming
− Concept of object and class
− Scope in Java
− Class parameters and methods
− Practice creating and using classes
Practical task: creating a class structure for your project.
Result of the lesson: learning the basics of OOP and developing skills in working with objects.
Day four - Getting to know Android Studio
− Creating an Android Studio project
− Program interface
− Basic elements of the development environment
− First compilation and launch of the application
Practical task: Practical task: porting programs written in Java; assembly and compilation of the application.
Result of the lesson: studying the Android application development environment.
Module 2
Day five - Android application structure, manifest, gradle
− Main sections of the Android project
− Manifest file
− Gradle Application Builder
− Communication between different project modules
Practical task: launching and debugging the first application.
Result of the lesson: Understanding the project directory structure for Android.
Day six - Working with resources
− Resource directory structure
− Learning how to work with XML files
− Principles of working with resources: ID
− Adding vector and raster graphics
Practical task: adding graphics to the application, creating an icon.
Result of the lesson: studying the XML format and principles of working with application resources.
Day Seven - Layout and Screen Elements
− Consolidation of work with the XML format
− Various View elements: text, buttons, pictures
− Containers for View: Layout
− Creating your own markup
Practical task: layout of application screens: creating markup and filling it with various elements.
Result of the lesson: learning the basic classes for working with graphics in Android; understanding of the principles of working with View and Layout.
Day Eight - Activity and Life Cycle
− Screen communication, Activity and manifest
− Intents and launchActivity, Intent
− Application lifecycle
− Basic Activity methods
Practical task: creating and launching a new Activity, sending and receiving Intents, tracking application launch.
Result of the lesson: studying the life cycle of a program for Android, as well as the principles of working with Activity
Module 3
Day nine - Working with screen elements from code
− Referring to a View by its ID
− Button click handlers
− Dynamically changing elements
− Animation for View
Practical task: adding actions when pressing buttons.
Result of the lesson: learning the concepts of "Events" and "Event Handlers".
Day ten - Programming screen elements
− Creating View objects in Activity
− Dynamic markup
− Adding graphic elements to existing markup
− Working with application design
Practical task: Working with application design.
Result of the lesson: practice of using View elements in program code.
Day Eleven - Working with Threads and Networking
− The concept of thread in Java
− Creating a thread and getting the result
− Basics of the HTTP protocol
− Sending requests to the network and receiving a response
Practical task: the practice of communicating with a server by sending requests, as well as reading the server's responses.
Lesson result: An introduction to asynchronous programming and the basics of working with the Internet in an application.
Day twelve - Work on projects, presentation
− Finalization of student projects
− Summing up the lessons
− Preparation for presentation of projects to parents
− Presentation of projects to parents
Practical task: developing your own full-fledged application and presenting it to the audience.
Result: development of project presentation skills.