A situation where kids are spending a considerable sum of money for the parent-game purchases occur more and more often. And it happens usually without the knowledge of parents - child passionate about the game and click on the buttons without thinking. And if buying a few dollars much harm will not cause the parent budget, the loss of several hundred already become very visible.
Of course, hardly any of the parents I will be especially pleased with the fact that his child has spent a considerable amount of money almost "nowhere." But how to avoid such situations? Not all are looking for ways to solve the problem, and in fact is nothing complicated here. We offer 5 simple ways through which you can greatly reduce the likelihood of unauthorized withdrawal of money for in-game purchases.
Including a ban on the purchase of built-in "Settings"
The easiest way to disable in-game purchases. Go to "Settings", then "General", there are looking for the item "Limitations", open it and activate restriction. To do this you will need to create a password, it does not coincide with the general password to access the device, if any.
Once the password restrictions will be included. Scroll to "Built-purchase" and set the slider to "Off."
Set a password on every purchase
In the standard mode, Apple requires the user to enter a password to purchase apps, if no operation is done for 15 minutes in your account. If the "limited" in "Require Passcode" set to "Immediately", the password will be required for any purchase, regardless of account activity.
"Manual" in the iTunes Store
If you still want to give their child some freedom in the purchase of applications and built-in purchases, iTunes allows you to select children on account or a gift card a certain amount of money. To do this on the main page of the iTunes Store in the "Quick Links" select "the iTunes Gifts", then "cash deposit". Thus, you can set the size of the monthly payment from $ 10 to $ 50. Of course, this method works only on the condition that the child has your account in iTunes.
Availability control app purchases to download applications
If possible - it is better to know in advance whether there is an application that wants to download your child's app purchases. To do this, do not be lazy to read the description of the application in iTunes, where such information is available. The sum of one or two dollars for the expansion of the functionality is quite acceptable, but if the description of the application are given numerous purchases at higher amounts - it is better to abandon the download.
Remove your credit card number
The most radical way to combat the unauthorized app purchases - remove your credit card number of the payment methods. In this case, the child is certainly not spend your money, it is true and you have some difficulties. But here you decide. To remove a credit card, go to your account, click "Payment methods" and there mark the "No" option. If necessary, the card number, of course, you can re-enter.
As you can see, ways to limit unauthorized purchases is really quite simple, and can be selected as radical and more loyal to enable your daze still something to get in the App Store, but on limited amount. That is, it is possible to control the purchase - it would wish.