Unit economics and product metrics - free course from Skillbox, training, Date: November 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 29, 2023
Learn to optimize costs for advertising campaigns and creatives using unit economics tools.
Business trackers and startup owners
You will be able to determine metrics and growth points for the company. You will understand how to scale your business and achieve consistently high profits.
Project managers
Learn how to prioritize tasks and value them in money. Learn to calculate deadlines and predict risks in projects.
For beginning product managers
You will understand why unit economics is needed. You will be able to find a growth point and formulate hypotheses that will bring maximum effect.
Responsible for delivering products in the Delivery Club client application. Worked at Yandex: developed the AppMetrica product and managed product analytics for the Edadil project. Gives lectures on product analytics at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
What are metrics
You will learn what metrics are and learn how to choose them depending on business objectives. You will understand what a data-driven approach is and in what cases it is necessary to use it.
Unit economics. Basic part
You will understand what unit economics is, study its principles and areas of application. Learn to calculate standard unit economics metrics. Learn how to avoid basic errors in calculations.
Unit economics. Advanced part
Find out in what situations standard unit economics formulas are not applicable. Learn to compose them yourself.
Shoulders of metrics
Learn to find business growth points and determine key metrics for its development using the Metrics Shoulders tool. Learn how to prioritize metrics.
Evaluating Hypotheses
Learn to form hypotheses based on unit economics data. You will learn how to predict the financial prospects of each of them and make management decisions based on this data.
Analytics tools
Learn to navigate analytics systems and find data to calculate unit economics. Learn the main analytics tools: Excel, Google Analytics, Yandex. Metrica, AppMetrica, Amplitude, CRM.
Final project. Calculation of unit economics of the project
You will calculate unit economics for a real case or your own project. Determine business growth points, generate hypotheses, evaluate them in money and formulate management decisions. Add a project to your portfolio and you can demonstrate your skills to an employer or client.