Quantum cryptography protocols: from theory to practice - course RUB 12,160. from Open education, training 18 weeks, Date November 28, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 29, 2023
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Professor, leading researcher at the Center for Quantum Technologies, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Position: Professor, Department of Supercomputers and Quantum Information Science, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lecture 1. Von Neumann entropy. Basic properties and use in quantum information theory. The concept of quantum communication channels. Classical capacity of a quantum communication channel. Individual and collective measurements in quantum cryptography.
Lecture 2. Border of Holevo. The fundamental Holevo bound for the reachable bound of classical information. Multiplicity of eavesdropper attacks, connection of attacks with the capacity of a quantum channel.
Lecture 3-4. Key secrecy criterion in quantum cryptography. Multiplicity of eavesdropper attacks, connection of attacks with the capacity of a quantum channel.
Lecture 5. Entropy uncertainty relations. Basic properties of quantum Renyi entropies (min and max entropies). Smoothed min and max entropies, chain rules, changes in min and max entropies under the action of a superoperator, properties of min and max entropies for composite quantum systems.
Lecture 6. Proof of the secrecy of the BB 84 protocol based on entropy uncertainty relations (the case of a strictly single-photon source of information states).
Lecture 7. Lower bound of entropy uncertainty relations.
Lecture 8. Quantum key distribution across untrusted nodes.
Lecture 9. Attacks on technical implementation. Analysis of the cryptographic strength of implementations of quantum cryptography systems with non-ideal sources of quantum states, detectors and a quantum communication channel with losses. Attack with splitting by the number of photons, attack with measurements with a certain outcome, transparent attack with a beam splitter.
Lecture 10-11. Attacks on the technical implementation of quantum cryptography systems. Limiting cases.
Lecture 12. On key concatenation in quantum cryptography.
Lecture 13-14. Distinctiveness of quantum states and Shannon complexity in quantum cryptography.
Lecture 15-16. Quantum random number generator.
The purpose of studying the discipline “Space flights: history, current state, prospects” is to develop in students a complex of modern theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of system design of space missions and managing them.