What if you do not want to do anything?
Tips Motivation / / December 19, 2019
And the only thing you do with pleasure - is sitting in front of the TV all day long in the arms of some high-calorie "snacks." On the abdomen are extra folds, but extra clean socks in the house you will not find.
If time does not pull himself together, to get out of this state will be oh how difficult without assistance.
What do we have to do? Time to determine the symptoms and try to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body.
While watching the news I came across an article with Lifehacker.com about what to do, when to do anything you do not want. That is when the motivation is gone, and even to tear yourself away from the sofa, You need a kick. I can not say that I am in this situation, but sad thoughts began to look to visit me more and more often. And it does not necessarily comes to work. This may also apply to domestic life, and sports, and once favorite hobbies.
And if the feelings cooled to a favorite hobby can survive, and it will not have any particularly unpleasant consequences, but with work and personal life things are much more serious. There really need to take action.
Thus, loss of motivation may be several reasons. And solutions, respectively, too.
social exclusion
In one of the universities was an experiment: Students were asked to write on pieces of paper the names of the people from the group to which they would like to work. And then, ignoring the writing, one part said that they have chosen, and the second - no one wants to deal with them.
As a result, "Les Miserables" have ceased to monitor their behavior and to adapt to the other.
If you hold yourself and conducted according to the rules, so for that you need to get any compensation. Social, of course. And if you have to adjust to the others, but they still do not want to deal with you, then why look after themselves and to change their behavior?
The message is clear and logical. In addition, the hands of students, whom nobody chose supposedly more likely drawn to the bank with sweets. So they tried to seize the bitter pill.
Other studies have shown:
When you feel that the world rejects you, you can not solve the puzzle, you become difficult to work, and motivation level drops to zero.
All that you can do - is to engage in self-destruction: drinking, smoking, or to lean on sweets. You cease to control themselves and literally lose yourself.
Ignoring physical needs
According to yet another study, the feeling of lack of motivation may occur due to malnutrition. Usually, people on the ears immersed in work, rarely eat properly. Fast food lunches or snacks dry sandwiches and cookies office, abundant late dinner, and breakfast is skipped by default.
The scientists conducted their experiments in the court for 10 months. As a result, before lunch judge gave suspended sentences only 20% of the accused, while at the sessions immediately after lunch lucky percentage increased to 60%. Before lunch, the blood sugar level was low judges, which exerted its influence on their thought processes and emotional state.
That is the problem in this case is not the mental suffering, and in the banal lack of sugar in the blood. From baking dobreyut. From mustard upset? ;)
burden of responsibility for decision-making
motivation problems can arise due to the burden of responsibility for making decisions. And it can be a vital solution and the most banal "what to buy for dinner."
Sometimes these small everyday decisions accumulates a lot, and as a result you pass the nerves and you begin to make irrational decisions.
For example, you start to buy things unnecessarily.
This condition is different from physical fatigue. You can experience a lack of mental energy, while the physical condition you have everything in order. The more decisions (important or very simple) you need to take during the day, the more tired you will feel.
How to deal with it?
If you feel that you ignore and do not want to deal with you, the best way - to talk with the person (group of people) and find out what it prevents. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding, which can be solved in seconds. Sometimes the problem is much deeper and more over it is necessary to work. And sometimes you just come across people with whom you are compatible, and that nothing can be done.
The only way out - change the environment. In any case, you need to talk. Do not ask a question, you will never know the answer. It is better to know that you really do not like than to be ignorant and constantly guessing.
In the second case, the output is banal - just start take care of yourself and eat normally. As soon as you stop skipping breakfast, the mood improves.
In a third embodiment, although you'll need to try again make a "decision-making schedule for the day" and leave it at least two windows for the rest. When you know what and when you will need to decide whether it becomes not so burdensome.
In any case, you need to look for a way out. And each, he, of course, his own.
If it's difficult to determine whether or not I want to do something or whether I am satisfied with the work in the form in which it is now, I'm trying to clear my head, and at least on the weekends not be appropriate to your computer. Sometimes it is enough to tide energy and optimism.
Sometimes it also happens that, starting just talk to someone about their work, you suddenly realize that it's really fun and it's really like you. I do not know if it works then reverse causal relationship, but to tell the fire in the eyes of that tired, you can not. So you're just tired and all you need is just get a little rest.
And finally, the last one. All human beings are inherently selfish and, accordingly, I do not know a single person who would not be flattered by the praise. Of course, to praise itself is not so great. But if I hear the sincere praise in his address from a stranger, I understand that doing what I like, and at the same time helping others. Therefore, if you see that a person is trying, and it turns out, be generous with praise. Maybe you're just saving someone from a loss of motivation.