Workshop “Technologies for drawing up estimate documentation” using the programs “” and “GRAND”
Miscellaneous / / November 29, 2023
The course program was developed taking into account the professional standard “Specialist in pricing and cost estimates in the field of urban planning activities” (project).
If you already know the theoretical foundations of drawing up estimate documentation, this is your course!
You will master special skills in the field of technology for developing various types of estimate documentation for the subsequent use of these skills in professional activities.
You will also strengthen practical skills in drawing up various types of estimates using software complexes "" and/or "GRAND-Smeta" and knowledge of the theoretical foundations of pricing in construction.
A special feature of the training is the high intensity of self-composition classes. estimate documentation and the use of various methods to achieve the stated result directly during classes.
Leading teacher and author of courses in the “Estimating in Construction” line, with extensive professional experience and teaching experience of more than 20 years. He has a sense of humor and gives many informative examples from his professional...
Leading teacher and author of courses in the “Estimating in Construction” line, with extensive professional experience and teaching experience of more than 20 years. He has a sense of humor, gives many informative examples from his professional activities in construction, and has enormous patience and attention to his listeners. He knows how to inspire and create interest in the business of estimating and, in a simple and accessible form, talk about all the intricacies of the work of a professional estimator. Always receives the most flattering reviews from graduates who are grateful for their deep knowledge and practical work skills.
Harmoniously combines the transfer of practical skills in drawing up estimate documentation with the teaching of theoretical foundations. Each topic in the lecture course is reinforced by solving problems or drawing up cost estimates. Specialist of the highest category in the field of pricing and estimate regulation in construction, associate professor of the department of “Project Management in the Construction Industry” (Higher School of Economics). She constantly improves her qualifications and updates her knowledge, and also has numerous diplomas and certificates of advanced training, additional education, which she receives, in particular, by taking part in scientific and practical seminars “Reform of pricing and estimate standardization in construction in at the present stage."
Has extensive experience in drawing up and checking design and estimate documentation, working in the customer service, investor, contract construction organizations and expertise in the following areas:
Since 2004, Natalia Vladimirovna has been a Member of the Union of Estimating Engineers. In 2009, the Union of Estimating Engineers awarded the “100 Years of Trade Unions” medal for its significant contribution to the improvement and development of the system of additional professional education in construction.
Natalia Vladimirovna is the author of methodological manuals “Estimating Business” and “Construction Economics”. Currently he works in large government agencies and constantly shares his experience with listeners.
Module 1. Practice of drawing up estimates for construction and installation works, utility networks (4 ac. h.)
- Technology for drawing up estimates for certain types of construction and installation work (residential or industrial facilities)
- Types of work: excavation work, finishing work, monolithic and masonry work,
internal and external engineering networks, water supply, sewerage, heating,
gas supply, ventilation (at the choice of the teacher). The regulatory framework is assigned by the teacher - Workshop: preparation of local estimates
Module 2. Development of estimate documentation for repair and reconstruction of facilities (4 ac. h.)
- Drawing up a defect sheet
- Drawing up estimates for repair work (the object and regulatory framework are determined by the choice of students)
- Features of repair work
- Workshop: preparation of local estimates for repair work
Module 3. Technology of preparing estimates for road construction (4 ac. h.)
- Drawing up estimates and calculating the scope of work according to design documentation
- The regulatory framework is assigned by the teacher
- Workshop
Module 4. Energy facilities and commissioning works (4 ac. h.)
- Technology for preparing estimates for energy facilities
- Examples of compiling initial data for calculating local estimates for electrical installations and commissioning works
- The procedure for drawing up estimates using the basis-index method according to collection No. 1
"Electrical devices" - General principles for determining the estimated cost of commissioning projects
- Examples of preparation of estimate documentation
- Workshop: drawing up local estimates for electrically safe devices
Module 5. Technology for drawing up estimates for local and low-voltage networks (4 ac. h.)
- Structure and composition of prices for installation of low-current systems
- Classification of low-current systems
- General principles for determining the estimated cost of commissioning using automated process control systems
- Comments on certain provisions of the Collection GESNp-2001-02
- Examples of determining the total number of channels
- Examples of preparation of estimate documentation
- Workshop: preparation of local estimates for commissioning work