TOP HR and personnel management courses for beginners from scratch
Miscellaneous / / November 29, 2023
Profession IT recruiter
Learn to select IT specialists in a safe environment under the guidance of a mentor. Immerse yourself in the information technology industry. Conduct HR and technical interviews with IT specialists. Work with real recruiting agency problems. In addition, you will find: Studying the technical component of IT professions and the market. Sourcing using HH, Habr, AmazingHiring, LinkedIn, GitHub, Podbor, Facebook, VK. Working with Huntflow CRM databases. Sourcing using X-Ray, Boolean search methods Immersion in IT recruiting from the first module. Your training will begin with practice in the form of a recruiting agency simulator. You will work on real problems, and instead of grades, you will receive bonuses as a percentage - from 0 to 100%. Throughout the entire training, each week you will receive tasks from the curator, for example: conduct an interview with the customer, make a selection of candidates, intensify the search for rare roles. 4 formats for practicing skills: Online workshops. Hackathons. Peer-to-peer checks. Simulation meetings of work tasks During your training in a simulation environment, you will go through the entire recruiting cycle several times: from withdrawing an application to making an offer. During training, you will receive assistance from curators who monitor your progress and stay in touch throughout the course. Answers to all questions and constant feedback from mentors on the work done. Support on all academic issues within 1 hour during business hours. Friendly community, group projects and teamwork
Product Manager
A course for middle and senior developers who want to become development team leaders. We'll tell you how to automate development, manage a team and manage high-load systems.
Talent management in global organization
This is the first part of the program "Global Talent management". In this part we will discuss talent management concept and approaches, macro talent management perspective, how leading companies manage their talent pool, and what challenges global talent management faces in our turbulent world.
The shortest path to top managers
The course is taught by Vlas Lezin, an expert who by the age of 26 became Vice President of Goldman Sachs. You will learn theory and practice through live example. Learn to avoid the mistakes that managers make and get additional motivation to become a TOP manager of the company.
Profession IT recruiter
A practical online course with a deep dive into the IT field. We will teach you how to fill complex IT vacancies and work with non-standard search channels. After the course, you will speak the same language with developers, learn all the tricks of hiring in IT, increase your income and, if desired, you can switch to freelancing.
Building an effective remuneration system: typical mistakes and practical recommendations
How to determine the optimal combination of different elements of wages? How to build and use a grading system, how to develop a bonus system depending on the achievement of key performance indicators (KPIs)? How to develop a system of additional benefits? How to build an effective system for remuneration in an organization and what information should be included in the remuneration regulations while maintaining confidentiality? You will receive answers to all these questions after completing the course “Building an effective remuneration system.”
Organization of the educational process at a university in the context of digital transformation
The goal of the training is to develop professional competencies necessary for effective teaching activities in the context of digitalization of education. Planned learning outcomes: As a result of mastering the program by the student on the basis of a complex of special knowledge, skills and abilities formed and systematized in the learning process in the field of various aspects of pedagogical activity, readiness for its active transformation must be ensured, taking into account the digitalization of education and the competent use of information technologies.
Coaching mastery from scratch to Level 2
The intensive online course consists of webinars and practical exercises in various formats. If you successfully pass the exam, you will become a coach with the international Level 2 ICF certificate. You will have all the necessary knowledge to apply for the PCC ICF qualification level.
IT recruiter
We have packed all our experience into a short, but very high-quality and rich course for obtaining a profession. In our agency, we have created an effective internal school, where we train our recruiters from scratch to highly qualified specialists who are hunted by the largest companies. With this course, everyone has the opportunity to quickly dive into the subject area of IT selection and learn what we ourselves can do!
Communications Director
Professional retraining. Communications management. The program will help you make a career in communications management, gain modern knowledge and master the skills of using communication tools and technologies.
Managing people and teams
The program is aimed at studying, analyzing and optimizing the behavior of people in organizations in order to find effective methods for managing and preventing organizational dysfunction associated with “human factor." The program addresses management issues in accordance with the life cycle of personnel, issues leadership and authority of the manager, issues of group and team management, including in conflict situations situations.
Director of Strategic Development
Become the person who shapes the organization's strategy. We will teach you how to properly plan investments and develop your business while implementing strategic initiatives
HR manager
A fundamental online course in HR management, where you will master all HR functions: from hiring employees to developing corporate culture. You will have the full set of skills to grow into a HR Director or HR Business Partner.
Team building from “A to Z”
The course contains a detailed analysis of the ways and factors of team building. In the form of a workshop, participants will receive a step-by-step algorithm for forming and creating a team: from defining goals to strengthening the “team spirit” and supporting the team’s activities.
Digital technologies for effective personnel management
Advanced training program. During the training, key methodologies and technologies for data collection and analysis will be reviewed, access to results in real time for making informed management decisions, searching, motivating and retaining employees of different generations, communications within the company and externally, and much more other.
Data-Driven HR Management: How to Use HR Analytics
Advanced training (16 hours). Personnel Management. A full-time intensive course in 2 days will help HR managers and specialists determine the effectiveness of HR processes (selection, adaptation, training of personnel) using analytics tools and make management decisions based on data.
Full-time education
Strategic HR management in an organization
Professional retraining and mini-MBA. The volume of the program is 350 hours. The program is designed to teach competent hiring, auditing, personnel training, as well as strategic development of organizational personnel.