How to protect yourself from online fraud and other troubles in the network
Tips Browsers / / December 19, 2019
World Wide Web - a snake for a long time a separate universe, which has its own inhabitants. In addition to the trolls and other vermin in the network are quite common online Schuler, who strive through deception to sell no more very high-quality product in the online store, pump your level in an online game, fill your inbox spam or get into your purse. Variants of deception can be a huge amount, and sometimes battered users manage to fall for their tricks. What to do to avoid those unpleasant moments?
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How to distinguish a real review on this product from the fake
How often do you read the reviews of the products before they buy? I often read reviews and when they are too sweet, and their host offends those who left are not very positive comments - it is very, very alarming. There are people who always like everything and they leave positive feedback. But they do not throw themselves with criticism on those goods is not very much. So it is very flattering comments with a detailed description of all the virtues are the first sign that you should be more cautious and read as much as possible to other reviews. And it is desirable to look for this product somewhere else and read reviews from other people there.
How to protect their personal data and money
The most basic thing you can do - it does not reveal your password to the same post, or any account; do not click on suspicious links; do not respond to emails with messages that you have won the lottery or that an unknown uncle of Timbuktu left you an inheritance. So you have to be very vigilant when purchasing goods through sites such as ebay and similar domestic counterparts.
How to understand that the link actually leads you to the wrong site? Sometimes letters arrive alerts with new offers from sites that you are registered, and they look almost perfect at first glance. Yet before clicking on links, it is better to check the address. This can be done simply by hovering the mouse cursor over the link and look at the URL, which will appear in the bottom of the window. For example, you received a letter from PayPal. Then the idea of the URL should contain It may not necessarily be option It is also considered normal. But if you see something like http://paypal.что-то-там-еще.com., then it's crooks. The correct address should end with and between these two parts should not be anything of the third.
Also you can delve into the security settings of your browser. Google Chrome, for example, automatically warns you that with a site that is not right. You can also use the Web Service OpenDNSWhich helps to filter inappropriate content on Web sites, protects against phishing and other malware, and performs many other useful functions.
Filter the annoying letters
It can be annoying not only spam. With spam filtering more or less it can handle virtually any mail. But what if someone from relatives, friends or colleagues at the office the next exacerbation exacerbation bugagashechek mailing images with seals and other pictures c chips? Option №1: honestly admit that it's annoying you and ask to exclude your e-mail from the general distribution. Option №2: set filters so that those letters simply do not reach you.
How to do it? Very simple. If you [email protected], you need to go to Settings and select it Filters. Click on the link at the bottom of Create a New Filter. In the Subject field write «fwd OR fw». Thus, the filter will pick up any email with fwd. If these fans hilarious dispatches you have several, you can specify their email address in the From field. In this case, you will not miss any important emails at work, which you can send a colleague or supervisor. Then click on Continue, tick Skip Inbox and Apply Label. And the final step - click on Create. That is all your personal filter is ready.
We protect themselves from the trolls commenters
Keep the comments on his blog have the opportunity to not at all. For this is not a very pleasant experience - filtering trolls and other online scum - or hired a moderator, whose job lies precisely in this, or are adopting specific extensions for browsers, which help to deal with this task. These extensions are able to filter out non-normative words, comments with an extra punctuation marks, comments capitalized or comments with certain words. For example, CommentBlocker or for Firefox greasemonkey extension.
Protection from hackers
Even if you already know how to identify phishing sites and never, to anyone, under any circumstances, do not leave your passwords, trouble still happen sometimes. How to protect yourself from them? There are a large number of programs that help keep your sensitive data safe. If you use LastPass program, then you will be interested to know that how to enhance the security of LastPass. If you do not use the program - perhaps it's time to try, or try other programs (PasswordCard, Should I Change My Password, Perfect Passwords and a huge number of other programs)? you can also use a browser extension that will help protect your sensitive data (Firefox, IE and Chrome)
Do you want to feel safe and know how to protect not only your computer, but also smartphone while working on the Internet? Often look in the section "Security" on Layfhakere - there you can find a large number of useful and interesting information;)