BFilter - anti-advertising pill for any browser and on any platform
Tips / / December 19, 2019
The fight against the hype, perhaps, may be the work of a noble. On the other hand we must not forget that advertising allows you to find so many interesting things in the vast web. You guessed it, that will be discussed today about the filter advertising.
Run this sample as a local proxy server that is set up by default on port 8080. As the developers say, the configuration file of this program is compatible with the same in Adblock - one of the most popular plug-ins for Firefox. Why can there be need BFilter? He is versatile plug-in to the browser, as it works with any browser, this is the first. Second - it will work with advertising and other online-programs, because most of them are use the same library as the browser, so you can get rid of the advertisements in chat rooms, players and other programs. Again the moral aspects of the problem will be left to your conscience.
BFilter can be recommended as an inexperienced user, which will be enough basic settings:
And an experienced fighter with advertising:
Note that you will certainly do a good deed, if you add the following line to bookmark urls:
In fact, advertising on our website is not blocked, and without the addition of this line, but you can show your good will. Do not be afraid to advertising on your favorite sites, it is useful to you.