Dependency management in .NET - course RUB 12,500. from IBS Training Center, training 8 hours, Date November 27, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 29, 2023
Assessment and training of IT specialists in key areas of software development. Courses from expert practitioners in programming languages, system and business analysis, software architecture, manual and automated software testing, Big Data and machine learning, project management and Agile. There is a 10% discount on training for individuals.
Design by Contract is a powerful software development technique that which, by formalizing the relationships between components, allows you to create high-quality, reliable and expandable software. This course covers the theoretical aspects of contract design with examples of using the library. Code Contracts, concepts of software correctness, assertions, monitoring of assertions during execution. The relationship between contracts and unit tests, the role of contracts in inheritance to ensure the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) and more are considered.
A course dedicated to the intricacies of the C# language and the .NET platform. The course examines the intricacies of using the “advanced” features of the C# language, the reasons for their appearance, as well as the decisions that were made during their development.
This course is designed for software engineers building, managing, and deploying solutions. artificial intelligence using Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search and Microsoft Bot Framework. * *the course is taught in partnership with the ARMKYBERSEC Academy