TOP Marketing Courses from Open Education
Miscellaneous / / November 28, 2023
Brand management in digital economy
The program is an updated brand management course, taking into account digitalization trends and the specifics of marketing and branding in the context of the transition of companies to the digital economy, as the introduction of digital technologies is reflected in the restructuring of the marketing activities of companies.
Digital Marketing
The goal of the program is to give students an idea of digital marketing as a modern direction in marketing development and of social networks as a new platform for marketing communications. Using practical examples and exercises, show the tools of digital marketing and promotion on social networks.
Six steps to creating a portfolio
The course consists of six steps, each of which is based on theoretical knowledge and contains specific examples. The course material is aimed at enabling the student to become familiar with the portfolio design method step by step. I learned to ask myself the right questions and answer them in the context of structuring information and creating an image of my portfolio.
Marketing in the VUCA world
The purpose of the course is to develop a system of knowledge about marketing as a modern business concept aimed at creating strategic competitive advantages for the company. benefits through comprehensive market research, demand management, building strong, long-term relationships with consumers and partners business.
Theory and practice of advertising
The discipline “Theory and Practice of Advertising” belongs to a cycle of applied courses focusing on basic general cultural erudition is therefore recommended to students, starting from the first year of faculties of all specializations. The course combines elements of theoretical (lectures) and practical (creative task on brand design) training.
Communication management
Communication management - planning, control, data retrieval and interpretation - these are the basic competencies for all professions and vacancies in the field of advertising and public relations - from copywriters before...