Ux/ui designer: mobile pro - course 64,900 rub. from Uprock, training, Date: November 28, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 28, 2023
UX/UI design is the process of creating interactive, user-friendly interfaces. An excellent career option for creative people who like to solve user problems and create something new, combining logic and aesthetics.
We will teach you how to be a strong UX/UI designer, in demand on the market.
We will answer all the questions you heard during the interview.
We'll show you where to look for vacancies and how to apply for them. We will help you create a resume and cover letter.
04. Analysis of errors
If the employer did not provide feedback on the test task, we will explain what was good and what was bad about it.
05.Probationary period
We will help you successfully complete the probationary period and quickly adapt so that you can qualify for better salary conditions.
We help and support even after a long period. We are a family and you can always count on our support.
Our curators give the fastest and most detailed answers. There are strict regulations: you will receive at least 2 video analyzes per day, in each answer the curator will note your mistakes and tell you how to correct them.
You will go through all stages of designing mobile and web services, and create two applications that meet high usability (UX) and visual (UI) requirements under the guidance of experienced curators.
Start at any time and learn at a comfortable speed
The start of training is not tied to the date of purchase of the course. Start at any time when it is convenient for you and learn at a comfortable speed. The best option is to spend 2 hours a day studying. If you can devote 4-8 hours to the course, you will finish it 2-4 times faster.
Consistency and time to adapt
The complexity of the tasks you do increases from the simplest, lasting up to 30 minutes, to the more complex and time-consuming. This way you gradually join the learning process.
Capacious but informative video tutorials
First we made a script of several hundred pages, then we voiced it, edited it, filled it with graphics and made for you short lessons “without water” that are easy to learn and comfortable to return to for something recall.
Practice under the supervision of experienced curators
The response from the curator is a detailed video analysis of errors and clarifications. If you still have additional questions, you can receive feedback from a senior supervisor within an hour.
Program update every 2–3 months
Based on feedback from students and employers, we regularly update and supplement the program so that it is fully in line with current trends. All updates are available to students free of charge.
Answers to your questions about the course within 20 minutes
If you have any questions about the course that require a quick answer, we have design support that will provide detailed answers within 20 minutes.
You will learn about the purpose of the course, understand the basic terminology and stages of service design. We will tell you what you will get as a result of the training and where you can work, as well as how working in a studio differs from working in a product company.
Stages of service development
Technological process of service development. Here you will briefly look at each of the stages of this process. And during the course you will find detailed work on each stage under the guidance of design leads.
- Technological process
- Main stages of work
Project calendar
You will learn to estimate the timing and cost of your project and manage the timing of work.
- Project calendar
- Estimating timeHow to plan timing
- Project evaluation
- Practice
You will understand in more detail what sections the brief consists of, how to fill it out and how to conduct a briefing with the client.
- Brief Definition
- When to Brief
- Main sections
- How to fill it out correctly
- Practice
Project passport
Find out what a project passport is and how to maintain it.
Persona analysis
Learn what is meant by a product's target audience, personas, and persona analysis.
Jobs to be done
In this lesson, you will become familiar with the concept of Jobs To Be Done and learn why the context of using an application is important. What the competition might be like and what impact all these aspects have on what the product will be like. Practice applying the JTBD concept to your project
- Problems with person analysis
- JTBD concept
- Solution
- Context
- Competition
- Practice
Audience research
Understand the different ways to research your target audience. What motivates people when they decide to switch to a new product or prefer to stay with what they have. Study the In-depth Interview in more detail and try to conduct it in practice for your project.
- Types of studies
- Observation
- In-depth interview
- Focus group
- Principles of in-depth interviews
- Segmentation
- Purpose of the interview and questions
- 4 powers
- Rules for a qualitative interview
- Persons
User Flow and Customer Journey Map
You will find out what is common and what is the difference between User Flow and CJM, what are the features and what is the task of each tool. In practice, learn how to create User Flow and CJM for your project.
- User Flow
- What does User Flow look like?
- User Flow Result
- C.J.M.
- CJM creation process
- CJM and Persona
- Stages of interaction
- Channels of interaction
- How to fill out CJM
- Practice
Functional analysis. Base
Introduction to functional analysis. In this lesson, you will learn to define the basic function of your service and additional ones, and also master a method of function decomposition that will help you determine the required functionality as accurately as possible service. You will work on the basic functionality for your project.
- Basic function
- Function Decomposition
- Third level
- Mechanism logic
- Additional functions
- Key situations
- First entry
- Reuse
- Basic Functional Analysis Example
- Practice
Functional analysis. The basis
At this stage, you will dive into a more detailed analysis of the functionality of the service based on Basic Functional Analysis. In theory, go through all the key functions, and then in practice, highlight these functions for your service.
- Main groups and their functions
- Other groups and their functions
- Practice
Competitive Analysis
This is the second part of Functional Analysis. You will learn to work with competitors and conduct competitive analysis.
- Competitive Analysis
- How to analyze competitors
- How to complete a functional analysis with competitors
- Practice
Summary analysis
The third part of Functional Analysis. You will summarize the results of analytical work with functions, evaluate them, draw conclusions, and as a result, highlight the most important functionality for your service. With this functionality you will continue further work on the project.
- Summary analysis
- Step-by-step instructions on how to fill out
- Practice
Information architecture. Part 1
You will become familiar with the concept of an Entity and its objects, as well as its role in information architecture.
- Summary analysis
- Step-by-step instructions on how to fill out
- Practice
Information architecture. Part 2
In this lesson, you will delve deeper into the term “entity.” You will learn what attributes an entity can have, how they participate in information architecture, and practice identifying them in practice.
- Attributes
- Entity Examples
- Entity table
- Terminology
- Practice
Information architecture. Part 3
You will learn what options are available for visual representation of entity objects. Get acquainted with the concept of “Object sampling” and its classification.
- Selection of objects
- Sample classification
- Practice
Information architecture. Part4
Here you will learn how filtering and sorting of objects is formed, as well as what types of filtering there are. You will understand how connections between objects are formed in the application. In practice, select the entities of your project and fill out the Entity Table for them - the basis for designing the card, object page, filtering and sorting for your service.
- Filtering and sorting
- Filtering Types
- Entity Attribute Range Anatomy of a Selection
- Card design
- Object page
Application structure
In this lesson, you will understand the logic of the structure of your application, learn the difference between a page and a pop-up, and what is better to choose when designing. In practice, using functional analysis, you will create the structure of your application.
- Structure logic
- Pop-up
- Page
- Summary analysis
- Mindmap
- Parsing functional groups into pages
- Practice
Functional prototype
Based on the information you've gathered about the features and information architecture, you'll begin the basic design of your service. Get acquainted with the concept of a functional prototype and capture the main screens of your application, their composition and functionality.
- Application map
- Functional prototype
- Prototype using the example of the Restaurant Catalog
- Screen map
- Practice
Wireframes and Interactive Prototype
In this lesson you will learn what wireframes are and take the first step towards visualizing your service. Based on a functional prototype, you will design wireframes for your service and learn how to make interactive prototypes in Figma.
- Wireframes
- Interactive prototype
- Basic principles of prototype animation in Figma
- Practice
iOS Guidelines
In this lesson you will learn the basic guidelines of popular platforms for mobile applications. You will understand which rules you can deviate from and by how much, and which ones must be strictly adhered to. You will learn what the specific features of the guidelines are and where to start drawing the application. Get fundamental instructions that will help you draw any application correctly.
- General concept of guidelines
- iOS and Android Guidelines
- iOS. Base
- iOS. UI elements
- UI Kit iOS
Working in Figma
In this tutorial we will look at Figma tools such as Components, Auto Layouts, Variants and Component Adaptability. This will help you in the future to use this functionality when creating your works and design correctly.
- UPROCK style. File Browse
- Design solutions of UPROCK Style
- How to connect a design component library
Visual concept
You will learn what a visual concept is and why it is needed. How to create it and present it to the client. Learn to work with references and create your own unique application style. The result of this sprint will be the visual concept of your service.
- Visual concept
- UPROCK style
- References/Style
- Practice
Design system
Here you will become familiar with the term “Design System”. You will understand in detail how it is created, what the design system project consists of. What role does it play in the work of a designer and developer? In practice, create a design system for your project.
- General information about the design system
- Project composition
- How to Create Connections in Figma
- How to use
- Component Adaptability
- Practice
Finalization of layouts
This is the final stage of app design where you finalize all your layouts. There are some features of this step: borderline states, micro- and macro-scenarios, etc. You will learn about all this from the lesson.
- Finalization of layouts
- Studying borderline states
- Micro and Macro states
- Practice
Transfer of the project to developers: Testing
In this lesson, you will learn how applications are tested before they are transferred to development and will test your application.
- Design testing
- Preparing a prototype for testing
- How to test
- Example with Cart
Transferring the project to developers: Specification
You will learn how to prepare the specification of your project for developers so that development is productive, without errors and with a minimum number of questions for you. Prepare specifications for your project.
Application icon
You will learn about the rules for creating an application icon, the required formats for iOS and Android, and create an icon for your application.
- Application Icon Basics
- iOS Icon Format Rules
- iOS icon sizes
- Android icons
- Format rules for a static Android icon
- Android static icon dimensions
- Android Adaptive Icon Format and Dimensions
- Screenshots and video preview
Portfolio design. Case concept
You will learn the secrets of a successful portfolio, what structure a case has and what blocks it can consist of. You will understand how to create a case for Behance and create a case concept for your project.
- Portfolio
- Case structure
- Cover
- about the project
- Beginning of the case
- Case body
- Video and animation
- End of the project
- Examples
Case design: static + preview
In this lesson you will design an impressive static case for your project.
Case design: animation+publication
Make an animation for your case and publish your project on Behance.
Adaptation for Android
You will understand the basic rules of how to adapt the design of an iOS application to Android with the least amount of effort.
- Platform Features
- Main Dimensions
- Android grid
- Typography
- Color
- Summary
Web adaptation
You will learn what is the difference between web applications and mobile ones, what are their features and how to adapt the design of a mobile application to the web.
- Web version of the service
- The difference between the mobile application and the web version
- Web service composition
- Header
- Content part
You will learn what needs to be done after the launch of a product, what work most often happens in product teams.
UX analytics algorithm and tools
In this lesson, you will become familiar with the basic tools of a UX analyst, with which you can conduct a UX audit of a product and identify its problem areas.
A/B testing
In this lesson, you will learn what the main task of UX analytics is, what data the analysis process is based on, and what its main goal is. Get acquainted with UX analyst tools. Learn to identify problem areas in the interface and propose hypotheses for improving these problems. You will learn how your hypotheses are tested on users using A/B testing and how the best of the proposed solutions are implemented into the service.
- General
- The main task of UX analytics
- Sales funnel, goal, conversion
Graduation project
You will create your service yourself, following all the steps you learned earlier, and register the project on Behance.
- Introduction
- Formulation of the problem
- Functional analysis
- Entity table
- Prototyping
- Visual design
- References/Style
- Project design