“Theory and Practice of Advertising” - course 2800 rub. from MSU, training 15 weeks. (4 months), Date: November 28, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 28, 2023
The program belongs to a cycle of applied courses focusing on basic general cultural erudition, therefore it is recommended for students starting from the first year of faculties of all specializations. The course combines elements of theoretical (lectures) and practical (creative task on brand design) training. During the course we will look at advertising as aesthetic communication.
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Aesthetics, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Topic 1. Communication science as an interdisciplinary form of scientific knowledge, its history and subject area. Concept of communication. Communication structure. Communication process. Advertising as a subject of communication analysis. The purpose and objectives of this course.
Explaining the interdisciplinary nature of communication studies. An excursion into the area of historical origins of the discourse on communications. Distinction between fundamental and applied communication sciences. An excursion into the field of terminology of communication analytics. Concept of communication. Communication structure. Classification of communication phenomena. Communication process. Advertising as mass public communication. The epistemological value of studying advertising communication for communication studies. Practical applicability of the course educational material in future professional activities.
Topic 2. Definition of aesthetic communication. Types of aesthetic communication. Advertising as aesthetic communication
The origin and basic role of aesthetic communication channels in the formation of society. Language as meta-aesthetic communication. Nonverbal elements of language and their role in the effective delivery of verbal messages. Discourse about art and discourse about language: the beginning of implicit communication research. “Poetics” of Aristotle as an implicit prototype of communication science. The role of studying the formal aspects of language in the formation of the paradigm of communication studies. Species characteristics of aesthetic communication. Typology of aesthetic communication. Aesthetic elements of advertising communication and the reasons for their essential dominance in the advertising message. The aesthetic character of the “missing structure” of advertising messages. The value of an esthetician in advertising: the limits of conversion of esthetician competencies in the circulation of advertising products.
Topic 3. Basic elements of aesthetic communication in a trademark. Types of trademarks and the specifics of aesthetic communication in them
Sign. Signifier and signified. Meaning. Semiosis as a change of signifiers and signifieds. Trademark as a type of sign. Aesthetic sign and trademark. Marketing scope of trademark meanings. Marketing hierarchy of trademarks: mother and child trademarks. Advertising communication as semiosis of mother and child trademarks. Information-rich brand and the structure of its social appeal: towards understanding the need for symbolic exchange. Aesthetic and communicative typology of a trademark: verbal trademarks and their varieties, visual trademarks and their varieties. Communicative convention of dividing verbal and figurative trademarks. Creation of an information-rich trademark project as the culmination of creative activity in advertising communications.
Topic 4. Basic elements of aesthetic communication in verbal advertising. Development of aesthetic communication in oral and written speech. Classification of verbal advertising messages
Nonverbal elements of verbal communication. Oral and written speech as a means of transmitting aesthetic messages. Forms of oral verbal advertising. Forms of written verbal advertising. Print advertising: typology in accordance with printing formats. Lapidary verbal advertising message as a verbal codification of the aesthetic meanings of a trademark in the psyche of the target audience. Analysis of the most effective lapidary verbal advertising messages. Elements of aesthetic communication in direct mail letters. Elements of aesthetic communication in an advertising article. Open and hidden print advertising. Elements of aesthetic communication in hidden advertising inside a literary work for non-advertising purposes. Copywriting as one of the key functions in advertising activities. Creative problems of copywriting. Limits of conversion of copywriting products.
Topic 5. Sound elements of aesthetic communication in advertising. Radio advertising opportunities
Origin of auditory communication. The innate nature of basic auditory information in the subject’s psyche. Invariant nature of the sound composition of oral speech. Sound quanta of speech. Objectives and communicative results of phonological analytics of speech messages. Intonation structure of speech. The role of tempo and rhythm as auditory elements of an aesthetic message. Speech image of the source of the message as a context of aesthetic meaning in oral verbal messages. Aesthetic nature of music Sound quanta of music. Musical themes. Music formats. The auditory nature of radio as a means of technical communication. Elements of aesthetic communication in radio broadcasting. Broadcast design. Typology of radio formats. Talk radio advertising. Advertising on music radio.
Topic 6. Elements of visual aesthetic communication in advertising. Types of visual advertising
Aesthetic origin and diversity of aesthetic parameters of visual communication. Visual gestalts, their origin and their varieties. Basic elements of visual communication. Line. Color. Perspective. Movement. The species diversity of visual communication corresponds to the nature of the message carriers. Typology of basic elements of aesthetic visual communication in advertising with various message carriers.
Topic 7. Types and aesthetic and communicative features of outdoor advertising
Methods of visual orientation in open space. The fundamental difference between orientation in open and confined space. Transport advertising as a model for distinguishing between outdoor and indoor advertising based on aesthetic conditions of visual perception. Typology of outdoor advertising recipients according to aesthetic standards of perception. Psychological disposition of drivers. Psychological disposition of pedestrians. Typology of outdoor advertising media according to the main models of visual perception in the urban environment. Principles of adaptation and selection of outdoor advertising media in relation to the urban visual environment. Calculations of aesthetic references by topic in connection with urban topology and urban infrastructure. Approximate estimates of the effectiveness of outdoor advertising with different media according to the criteria of visual perception conditions. Street advertising campaigns as a synthetic type of outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising and modern methods of street art.
Topic 8. Aesthetic references for point-of-sale advertising
Advertising at points of sale as a continuation of orientation in a limited space with complex organization. Types of points of sale from the point of view of problems of consumer orientation in them. Points of sale of goods and points of sale of services. Mono-brand and multi-brand points. Single-volume and multi-volume points. Retail and wholesale points. Point of sale for consumption and point of sale for business. The retail space of an IKEA outlet as a model for the systematic use of advertising media at points of sale. Analysis of the possibilities of conveying aesthetic messages at points of sale. Navigation aids. Exhibition of sale items. Printed materials. Souvenirs and dual-use items. Samples. Speech work of personnel. Promotions to ensure brand loyalty. Promotions to ensure loyalty to the point of sale. The systematic nature of advertising activities at the point of sale.
Topic 9. Synthetic modifications of aesthetic advertising communication
Synesthesia and synthetic aistesis. Synthetic arts. Synthetic types of advertising communications. Advertising cinema. Product placement in non-advertising films. TV ads. Staged advertising campaigns and basic elements of aesthetic communication in them. Fairs, promotional shows, cyclical events in various industries as forms of complex synthetic advertising communication and analysis of their basic aesthetic elements in them. Showroom as an aesthetic phenomenon of a synthetic type and its inherent basic elements of aesthetic communication. Packaging as a synthetic advertising medium: unpacking as an aesthetic reaction of a synthetic type. The synthetic nature of advertising communication in the art business: vernissage as a staged event.
Topic 10. Aesthetic and communicative features of corporate identity. Elements of corporate identity. Corporate aesthetics
Style as an aesthetic phenomenon. Style as “missing structure”. Elements of style. Style as a meta-carrier of advertising information. The scope of the concept of “corporate style”. Aesthetic elements of corporate identity. Internal and external recipients of corporate identity. Corporate identity as a form of corporate consolidation, team building and non-verbal personnel management. Dress code and speech etiquette as aesthetic means of controlling staff motivation for effective performance and corporate loyalty. The nature and forms of institutionalization of corporate identity. The theoretical status of corporate aesthetics. Corporate aesthetics as a comprehensive offer in the advertising products market. Corporate aesthetics as a custom research and development development of an applied type. Limits of conversion of corporate aesthetics projects. Corporate aesthetics as a metadiscourse of the system of communicative activities of a corporation. Corporate aesthetics as an area of professional activity for graduates of the Faculty of Philosophy, specializing in the field of aesthetics: problems of startups and promoting their competencies in the specialized market services.