TOP C++ programming courses from the School Specialist
Miscellaneous / / November 28, 2023
Programming in Visual C++
The course “Programming in Visual C++” covers all stages of preparation and writing programs in C++. You will learn to work with various C++ data types, operators and functions, perform encapsulation, and use constructors and destructors. Master abstract classes and interfaces, function templates, and learn how to manage exceptions. The course program also includes studying the modern Microsoft Visual Studio development environment.
AI - 102: “Designing and Implementing a Solution Using Azure AI
This course is designed for software engineers building, managing, and deploying solutions. artificial intelligence using Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search and Microsoft Bot Framework. * *the course is taught in partnership with the ARMKYBERSEC Academy
Programming language C# 12.0
After completing the author's course “Programming Language C# 12.0”, you will master the object-oriented programming language C#, learn use the Visual Studio Code integrated development environment and acquire basic skills in creating object-oriented applications.