Another useless paper with yellow name, which you can see dozens of the Internet every day? And here and there. In this article I will discuss the superpowers, which has given me the music. Who knows, maybe it will encourage you to master this difficult but wonderful occupation.
I joined the world of music when I was 9 years old. Three consecutive years, parents unsuccessfully gave me lessons on the piano, and three years in a row I have not worked prouchitsya and six months. I have had some success, at least, my teacher praised me. Although, looking at the other kids in the music school, now I understand that a thick, quiet and calm boy was an outlet for teachers among gay and sometimes inadequate classmates. The first acquaintance with the music did not end so. But the second lasts until today, and I hope will continue for a long time. This meeting began with what he saw on TV concert of Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Those who have ever seen a performance RHCP, known bassist Flea, who with his energy just knocked down. Quite by chance, I heard a song
Can not Stop and knew I wanted to be just like them. Arriving at the music school and the teacher turned to classical guitar, I heard an answer that to learn to play the bass guitar does not make sense, and we should start with the classical guitar. I resisted for a long time, because they do not understand these strange people who are between the guitar and the bass guitar is selected first, but my Lecturer offered a compromise: I will learn to play classical guitar, and the game "will be trained to use your spare time bass ". The first two months everything was. Two months later, the bass guitar is no room left in my life. All it took place in the guitar. And now 9 years old, she does not give this place to anyone else.Super abilities
For what I have done such a long retreat, and why did not immediately moved to the point? Advisor on the Internet believe harder than in real life, so the desire to prove that I have something to understand this, and resulted in a few paragraphs of excess (for some) text. So superpowers. We all dream about them as a child, and often those dreams disappear in adulthood. We cease to believe in miracles, and we understand that no superpowers do not exist. But what if I told you that the superpowers still exist and can be developed with the help of music? For myself, I have identified three interesting abilities that wake up in a man, if he is engaged in music for a long time. How long? It is difficult to say, and it's all very individually. Me inspiration descended in a few years. Perhaps you have talent, and it will turn in a month?
Superpower №1 (external ear for music)
External ear for music - is the ability to perceive melody. That is, each person has an external ear for music? Yes and no. Unfortunately, the person who is not engaged in music, hears only a "song", while a person hears music composition itself, its structure and rhythm. Now, what I like most about this super-abilities. Plucking a bit of experience, you can lay any track on a separate sounding instruments in real time. For example, you are listening to Can not Stop, which has already been mentioned in this article. It sounds 4 Instrument: vocals, bass, guitar, drums. By learning, you can "bite" from vocals and melodies just listen to him. Or bass. Or drums. No matter. Why do it? But there is no need. Seriously. This ability will not save your life, and will not allow to make a lot of money. But it will bring a very necessary thing - fun. I do not know why, but such concentration is really nice and allows you to relax. How to learn? Listen to music. And playing music. More music! The more music you listen to, the closer approach the external musical ear. Of course, as in any other science (and the music - it is a science), there is also necessary to know the theory, practice, and other similar things. If you want to learn how to play an instrument or sing, but found excuses, here it is, the final frontier. Learn to play - learn cool superpowers!
Superpower №2 (inner ear for music)
Here, it is necessary to work. Perhaps you will take years to master this ability. Inner ear for music - is the ability to play music in the mind, not listening to her. Think of Beethoven, even when it is completely deaf, he continued to write incredible music, relying only on the inner ear and its experience. This ability has been a real benefit: it allows you to write music, and the highly developed inner ear, the richer your musical arsenal. Development of the internal ear for music is preceded by many hours sol-fa. It is the discipline that most do not like the music school. Basis ear training - musical dictation. This version is a little piece of music, after which it needs to record notes, not picking up on the instrument.
Superpower №3 (musical empathy)
This term, as a musical empathy, does not exist. But I am sure that we all own it, to a greater or lesser extent. Because you can easily answer the question: "Why do you like to listen to music?". I think our answers match - it evokes emotions. Even more fun with the music to wash the dishes, and run not so boring, but it's also emotion, right? So, the more you know about the music, the more you understand it, the more the emotions it evokes. And again, why? Wash the dishes become even more fun, and this is a good idea.
The final
I for a long time did not occur, what conclusion can be drawn from this article. And that's what came to my mind: we like to learn and we need to learn. Each of us has something that we can learn other people. is music to me. I am sure that there are many Layfhakere readers who understand the musical theme is better than me, so I will be happy to learn you have. Write everything that you know about music and what it is for you.