Digital marketer - course 57,780 rub. from GeekBrains, training 6 months, Date November 27, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 27, 2023
You will develop a digital strategy, learn how to set up tools for attracting and retaining customers, get acquainted with SMM, master web analytics, be able to conduct a complete market analysis and apply each tool on practice.
An Internet marketer is a key figure in a company. Such a specialist is responsible for business optimization, competitor analysis, strategy for promoting goods and services, and preparing advertising campaigns. He understands trends and knows how to use digital tools to attract an audience.
When you choose GeekBrains training, you enter an educational ecosystem. This is practically the only opportunity to master a modern and in-demand specialty and gain confidence in your future.
Live communication with expert practitioners
You are aware of more than 80% of webinars with teachers: you will ask questions on the topic and quickly receive feedback. Recordings of classes will remain in your personal account forever: you can return to them after training.
Lots of practice
After each lesson you will practice on practical tasks. The teacher will evaluate the work, give feedback and suggest how to do it better.
Mentor support
Each student has a mentor who is always in touch and helps with homework. Working with a mentor allows you to learn the material faster and better.
wellInternet advertising specialist at Eridan LLC Education and career Eridan LLC provides mobile tire fitting and roadside assistance. These are urgent services, so you need to work closely with search advertising. Traffic is very...
Internet advertising specialist at Eridan LLC Education and career Eridan LLC provides mobile tire fitting and roadside assistance. These are urgent services, so you need to work closely with search advertising. Traffic is very expensive! And you need to achieve results with a cost per click of 200 rubles or more. We constantly conduct a lot of tests and come up with new algorithms for working with advertising. I'm developing new landing pages and setting up advertising on them. In nine months, I increased the company’s turnover from zero to 2.5 million rubles per month. is an agency that I run together with a partner. We have developed a unique technology for working with clients: we take them initially without prepayment, bring them to the result and only then receive payment. With this scheme, we have no chance of error. And we do our job 100%! Why online advertising 1. I like freedom. I can plan my day as I see fit. The main task is to provide clients with results in the form of a large number of calls and requests via the Internet. 2. This is a very dynamic area. You constantly need to test, study and try something. Thanks to this, you are always on your toes! 3. I love working with statistics. To my students When I started, I dug through a lot of information. I first wanted to study all the theory and only then start practicing. But the practitioner has always been and will be cooler than the theorist. Don’t delve too much into theory and start doing! Cool is not the one who throws around terms, but the one who can do it and give results.
Digital promotion strategy
Digital promotion strategy
Course for creating a strategy for promotion
Lesson 1. Main digital marketing channels
Contents: What problems does digital marketing solve? Main channels and tools User path Structure of Digital marketing
Lesson 2. Main KPIs and promotion goals
Contents: Key performance indicators Types of KPIs Promotion goals
Lesson 3. Audience and insights
Contents: Why describe your target audience How to segment your audience Creating a portrait of the target audience Message Research of target audience
Lesson 4. Market and competitor analysis
Contents: When and why is analysis needed? Parameters of competitiveness Types of competitors Methods of analysis Intelligence services What is a USP? Examples of USPs Checklist for creating a USP Market analysis
Lesson 5. Brand and positioning
Contents: What is a brand Brand positioning strategies Brand pyramid Perception map
Lesson 6. Website audit and preparation for promotion
Contents: What kinds of websites are there? Website audit Usability Human Centered Design User scenarios
Lesson 7. Content Marketing
Contents: Types of content Job of a content specialist Where content is distributed Video content Audio content
Lesson 8. Media planning
Contents: What is a media plan What does a media planner do? The nuances of planning Tools for planning Drawing up a Digital media plan
Lesson 9. Strategies and performance evaluation
Contents: Strategic aspects of planning Components of a digital strategy Goals Performance metrics
Websites and applications
Lesson 1. Managing the website creation project. The role of the marketer
Lesson 2. UX/UI design in website design
Lesson 3. Site audit. A/B testing and making adjustments to eliminate the decline in site performance
Lesson 4. Ways to increase website conversion
Lesson 5. Webinar. QA and analysis of practical tasks
Lesson 6. Selling pages. Terms of reference for the site
Lesson 7. Mobile application development
Lesson 8. Webinar. QA and analysis of practical tasks
Lesson 9. Mobile promotion. QA and course summary.
Analytics for Internet marketing. 4 weeks.
In this course, you will become familiar with the concept of DataDriven marketing, practice creating and basic configuration of counters and goals in YaM and GA and working with their reports. Learn how to set up call tracking and call tracking. Master working with UTM tags to attribute traffic sources. Learn how to use heat maps Get to know the ins and outs of mobile analytics
Lesson 1. Basics of Analytics in Marketing
Lesson content
Lesson 2. Operating principles of a web resource and Tag Manager
Lesson content
Lesson 3. Google Analytics. Creation, integration, configuration and work with reports
Lesson content
Lesson 4. Yandex Metrica. Creation, integration, configuration and work with reports
Lesson content
Lesson 5. UTM tags and goals
Lesson content
Lesson 6. Types of metrics and working with hypotheses
Lesson content - Why metrics and KPIs are needed. Efficiency metrics and vanity metrics. Quality criteria for metrics - Frameworks and principles for selecting metrics depending on the monetization model and other features of the product - Assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities with examples - Why are they needed? hypotheses. The structure of a good hypothesis - Approaches to the formation and testing of hypotheses in products - Scoring hypotheses
Lesson 7. Advanced reporting and attribution models
Lesson content – User segmentation (multi-level filters) – Sales funnel analysis (closed/open, unique/repeated hits) – User paths – Cohort analysis – What is attribution and how to use it work? – What are the different attribution models?
Lesson 8. Integration with other services
Lesson content – Communication with advertising accounts, import of expenses – Integration of call tracking. – Integration with CRM and end-to-end analytics. – Optimize / BigQuery – Data visualization DataStudio.
Lesson 9. Mobile Analytics Basics
Lesson content – The main differences between a mobile application and a web resource. – How does mobile app analytics work (install attribution, product analytics)? – What types of trackers are there? – GA4 – Application promotion.
Contextual advertising. 7 weeks.
contextual advertising
Lesson 1. Basics of contextual advertising
Goal: to introduce the student to the basic concepts of contextual advertising, contextual systems, pricing in contextual advertising and advertising metrics, choosing a landing page.
Lesson 2. Assembly of the semantic core. Part 1
Goal: To teach the student to analyze the target audience and its needs, work with Worstat + extension to speed up the Yandex Worstat Assistant assembly process, assembly of brand and thematic semantics. Result: the student knows the types of target audience in context, knows how to work with Wordstat Assistant, visualizes the first types of campaigns (thematic and brand) in Excel.
Lesson 3. Semantic core. Part 2
Goal: To teach the student to analyze competitors and assemble a semantic core for the branded traffic of competitors, operators in Yandex Direct, to familiarize them with the Yandex Direct interface
Lesson 4. Workshop: creating and setting up a search campaign in Yandex. Direct
Goal: to teach the student how to create search advertising campaigns, explain all the nuances and working mechanics, select rates and strategies. Integration of Yandex Metrics and Yandex. Direct.
Lesson 5. Launching effective advertising in YAN
Goal: to teach students to create effective YAN campaigns. Result: the student knows the differences between YAN and search, understands YAN targeting and the selection of key phrases for of this type of campaign, knows how to create a campaign and clickable ads, understands the problem areas in YAN.
Lesson 6. Retargeting in Yandex. Direct
Goal: to introduce the student to the retargeting tool and its application.
Lesson 7. Introducing Google Ads
Goal: to introduce students to the new Google Ads context tool, types of advertising campaigns, and the nuances of collecting semantics for Google Ads. Result: the student knows the nuances of creating advertising accounts and the differences between a regular and a manager account, types of advertising campaigns, Google Ads assistant tools, nuances of assembling semantics in Google Ads and creating a template, can integrate Google Analytics and Google Ads.
Lesson 8. Workshop: creating search advertising in Google Ads
Goal: teach the student how to create search campaigns.
Lesson 9. How to run advertising on Google Display Network?
Goal: to teach the student how to create a display campaign.
Lesson 10. Step-by-step algorithm for launching Youtube advertising through Google Ads
Goal: teach the student how to launch Youtube campaigns.
Lesson 11. Basics of online store promotion
Goal: To teach students about contextual formats intended only for online stores.
Lesson 12. Analytics and optimization of advertising campaigns
Goal: to teach the student to analyze and optimize advertising traffic.
Lesson 13. Media planning and automation services
Goal: to teach the student the basics of media planning and working with third-party automation services.
Targeted advertising
Lesson 1. Introduction to SMM
Lesson 2. Creative in SMM
Lesson 3. Introduction to Targeting
Lesson 4. Getting to know the advertising account of Facebook and Instagram
Lesson 5. Advertising on VKontakte and MyTarget: theory and practice
Lesson 6. Yandex. Zen, Twitter and Telegram as advertising platforms
Content Marketing
Video course
The purpose of the course is to understand how content marketing works and understand when it is effective to use and what problems can be solved with its tools. Students will learn: to create a content marketing strategy, choose the most effective channels and formats for interacting with their target audience We recommend taking the content marketing course at any time convenient for you, but not before the contextual marketing course advertising. This is important for developing a comprehensive understanding of all areas of digital marketing. In this video course, you will be able to check your performance of practical tasks using video analyzes from the author of the course. They are in the corresponding lessons. Good luck in your studies!
Lesson 1. Introduction to Content Marketing
Lesson 2. Content strategy
Lesson 3. Categories and content plan
Lesson 4. Content Types
Lesson 5. Content Creation
Lesson 6. Content distribution
Lesson 7. Analysis of content marketing effectiveness
Email Marketing
Video course
**The goal of the program** is to teach the basics of email marketing and creating complete strategies. Introduce useful tools for email marketers, including creating letters and launching newsletters. **Students will learn: ** independently create email marketing strategies, correctly collect subscribers, draw up technical specifications for designers and copywriters to create letters, work with letter designers and launch mailings. We recommend taking the email marketing course at any time convenient for you, but not before the contextual advertising course. This is important for developing a comprehensive understanding of all areas of digital marketing. In this video course, you will be able to check your performance of practical tasks using video analyzes from the author of the course. They are in the corresponding lessons. Good luck in your studies!
Lesson 1. Email Marketing Basics
Why learn email marketing? What is email marketing? Who in the company should handle email marketing? How to technically carry out mailings? Goals and objectives of email marketing. Types of letters. The main blocks of an email marketing strategy.
Lesson 2. Collection and segmentation of the subscriber base
Collecting a database offline. Database collection online. Creating a subscription form on the website. Lead magnet. DOI confirmation of subscription. Why segment your database? Who is an avatar and why is it needed? How to collect data for segmentation? Base structure.
Lesson 3. Creating a master template. Regular newsletters
Basic elements of the newsletter (avatar, subject, preheader, “from”, etc.). Letter design: template structure, main blocks, fonts, colors, etc. Creation of letters (layout) and adaptability of letters. What to write about in letters? Content types. Where to look for inspiration? When and how often to send mass mailings?
Lesson 4. Deliverability and spam
What is email reputation and how to manage it? Reasons why emails end up in spam. How do spam filters work? Requirements for technical settings, database and content. How to configure authentication and postmaster? Checklist for good mailing. What to do if you are in spam?
Lesson 5. Analytics and effectiveness of mailings
Classic indicators of mailing services. Database statistics. Tracking sales from mailings. How to conduct split tests? Payback of mailings.
Lesson 6. Email Marketing Automation
RFM analysis: what is it, how and why to carry it out? What is a welcome series? Who needs it and why? How to cost a welcome series: logic and timing. What to write about in the welcome series? Examples of letters. Step-by-step instructions for creating and launching a welcome email series. Trigger mailings using the example of an ecom project. Launching triggered mailings. Trigger emails VS transactional emails.
Lesson 7. Reanimation and reactivation of the base
Client reactivation VS subscriber reactivation. What is the difference between resuscitation and base reactivation? Reactivation: approach in text and sending. Resuscitation of the database: database, texts and sending. Client reactivation: segments, texts. dispatch.
Internship for a Digital Marketer. 1 month.
Internship for Digital Marketer
Each student can complete an internship on a real project of GeekBrains or Group in a remote format. This is a great opportunity to practice your acquired knowledge and add a real case to your portfolio.
Lesson 1. Consultation 1. Project selection
Lesson 2. Consultation 2. Analysis of assignments with a teacher
Lesson 3. Consultation 3. Analysis of assignments with a teacher
Lesson 4. Project protection