That’s better: Netizens showed 20 photos before and after cleaning
Miscellaneous / / November 09, 2023
From general decluttering to a thorough sponge and cleaning task.
On Reddit, users often share photos related to cleaning: several subreddits are dedicated to it. We have collected fresh examples of the bright transformation of premises, utensils and equipment.
1. This transformation took three days. This is not the house of the author, but of the people whose homes he helped put in order.
2. Before the cleaning began, the author could not even imagine that the seams should be white.
3. What's especially impressive is that this transformation took 59 minutes to complete.
4. When, after months of quick mopping, you give the tiles a deep cleaning for the first time.
5. “My kitchen looked worse than ever. I had to scrub the floor with a metal sponge for an hour.”
6. When you move the stove away for the first time in a rented apartment.
7. What does the carpet look like when you live with a profusely shedding dog?
8. The author of the photo admitted that this was her first big room cleaning in a year spent in depression.
9. It's hard to believe that this is the same slab.
10. “I was told that I could not clean the carpet of cosmetics. You didn’t guess: I did it!”
11. The first thorough cleaning of the floor in a long time.
12. The refrigerator got a second life.
13. “Finally pulled myself together and tidied up my disgusting bathroom.”
14. The author cleaned the keyboard of his grandfather’s computer for the first time in 20 years.
15. From a cluttered closet to a children's bedroom.
16. “Two years after moving into the house, we decided to clean the lampshades. All this time we thought the glass was tinted.”
17. The mini-stove sparkled like new.
18. Now this sink is no longer scary to use.
19. A car in which dogs are often carried.
20. Not only cleaning helped here, but also thoughtful organization of space.
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