Truth and myths about advertising
Tips Imarketing / / December 19, 2019
Advertising industry - this is certainly not the Kremlin's kitchen with all its secret recipes for borscht daily. Yet advertising is hidden mass of extravagant illusions that are still black spots for some consumers. Here is a small rating.
1. Almost 90% of the market of consumer goods - are goods of three or four large companies.
Someone thinks that the market there are plenty of vendors and the buyer is free to choose any soft drink or candy bar purchase. All this looks as if the manufacturers are fighting for the buyer, and, according to the law of competition, lower prices and increase quality. Certainly not! Read small labels on packages - almost certainly, all the chocolate you like - products of one manufacturer. This is called "diversification of product lines." Manufacturer favorably compete with itself - in this case, he always wins, and the consumer gets an illusion of choice.
2. Most of the words that we hear in advertising - PR fabrication.
Of course, there is no particular harm, when it comes to shampoo to "extract diamonds" or mascara lashes with 4D-effect, but it becomes much more serious when it comes to medications or foods power. The phrase "Contains GMO" it has become a kind of mantra. Now we can find on the shelves of any products with the mark, because it works fine. All the matter in the "horror stories", which is surrounded by journalists GMOs. Every old lady at the door knows that if you eat a tomato with a shark genome, it will not work and a couple of months, on the back fin to grow, and in the mouth - sharp teeth in three rows. Many scholars on such statements, but sadly shrug - if it were that simple, there would be no genetic diseases in the world - human corn fed with the right genes - and he healthy. We offer you to think before you believe any advertising slogan or a promise.
3. Most often advertising that wins the competition, shoot specifically for these competitions.
Looked "Cannes Lions" after viewing only one thought - "They know how to remove the advertising out there... And why do we have on TV is not showing?" Relax. The "them" is also not shown. Under this item, you need to know two things: either on the same channel in regular ad units will not be posted clip longer than one minute - it's very expensive. A competition for the rollers may be 2-3 or even 5 minutes. And again, the Russian advertising agencies have long and successfully "storm" Western promotional contests and take them prizes. Yes, of course, often creating for this campaign, which has never seen an ordinary consumer.
4. Advertising can be useful not only for those who have places.
Come to mind, at least two cases:
- First: when the ad shows you exactly what you are looking for. Most often this can work on the Internet and directly to the point of sale. The Internet brings the greatest benefit contextual advertising - short text ads, not annoying and clearly correspond to a search query. POS - signs and of POS - advertising - to help you quickly find the right product and the right mark, setting it apart from many others.
- Second: when advertising allows you to make free content (for example, in mobile applications) or helps to live and develop your favorite sites.
5. Advertising on the Internet knows more about you than you think.
And the reason for that - cookies - small pieces of data that a web server stores on a user's computer. They contain information about which sites and at what time you visited, and with the advent of social buttons, and more details about what you "layknuli". Escape from this difficult enough, but conspiracy theory here there is nothing. The data are "harvested" social buttons are not sold US Department of State, and the company is located RTB ads.
Roughly speaking, the meaning of the RTB to advertise are not all in a row, and a specific person with the right advertiser to special requests and preferences. Of course, this work is not as easy as contextual advertising, that appears in response to a query by a search engine, but the point is somewhat similar. If you often "laykaete" sites automotive subjects, then your cookies (sounds weird, huh?) You will be given advertising exchanges, as an avid car enthusiast. And there is already the case for small - some automotive company will pay to have his banner was displayed for you. In the end, we have to win all. You'll only see ads you are interested in, not terrible flashing banners with Maxim Galkin. And advertisers will spend less money, because will not pay for 1000 "empty" shows, but only one - target.
Incidentally, the same principle works when you are buying the iPhone's online store, suddenly start see everywhere advertising the same store that offers you covers, stickers, and a second for your iPhone girl. Most of all - it's Google AdWords remarketing dragged you into the network. Sometimes remarketing It called retargeting, but the meaning remains the same. When you bought the iPhone, the site you "remember" and is now "catching up" you wherever only extends the Google Network. The same thing can happen when you almost bought the iPhone, but at the last moment you distracted transfer about GMOs. Be prepared for the fact that the store advertising, where you have not completed the purchase, you will see all over the internet for another two weeks.
Of course, this does not all the secrets of advertising. To see them all - you need study well, "Work with my" keenly follow all the news and think a head!