"Why is this site a hundred times worse than mine, and a hundred times less advanced than mine, was above my site in the Yandex and Google ?!»
Tips Imarketing / / December 19, 2019
Many of us have an idea of how to improve ranking results in search engines, buy links page to make the most attractive and create quality content for site. However, to our surprise, the sites that are clearly inferior in many respects, are higher in the SERP. What could be the reasons for this situation? Rand Fishkin from SEOMoz tried to answer this pressing question.
Most webmasters, seo-experts and internet marketers are accustomed to apply primarily to the figures. For example, if we enter the query "mobile houses chickens," and on the first page, we see a few sites of competitors, we check each of the following criteria:
- the number of external links to your site;
- the number of inbound links to a specific page;
- figures for the credibility of the resource;
- looks like the anchor text;
- Whether anchor coincides with the domain name.
And when we see that the majority of the criteria our site wins the competition, then the question arises why it is lower in the SERP.
Basic Principles on Ranking
As we know, in the ranking of factors affect different levels.
- At the domain level. As far as the authoritative and popular domain.
- At the page level. What kind of content on the page, what and how to use keywords, inbound links, the overall impression of the page, url, and so on. D.
- At the level of the snippet. As far as the snippet text draws to follow the link. The more people who are on the links, the better Google ranks pages. And vice versa.
It is considered that the above criteria are most important to search engines such as Google. However, not all so simple. There are a number of other, less obvious things that can influence the effectiveness of the promotion. And then it goes just about them.
Quality or quantity of 11 factors that affect the SERP
Let's go back to the "chicken house". That competitors could do better, to be higher in SERP? In most cases, the cause is not in an amount and figures, as well. And then you have to analyze the site on several levels.
Perhaps snippets site look unattractive on a background of competition? Seeing in front of a 10 snippets, people would choose it yours? If not, whether it is connected with the text, the method of its delivery, or something else?
If you want to succeed, you have to think like the people who are looking for your product or service. If you are looking for online information about chicken houses that would have made you choose that particular website and follow the link?
Brand and domain
The hardest part - to admit it (or tell the client), that one or another brand unfortunate that it does not cause any positive associations and the only solution - a rebranding. Otherwise, none of the marketing tactics simply will not work.
This is true for the tactics associated with social networking and content creation. Moreover, the attraction and the power of the brand - it is one of the key moments in SEO. According to the survey, many of us go on the Web sites, which are located, perhaps, lower in the search results, however, have a more attractive brand (which is determined by including on domain).
Design and Usability
Another important point - the design and usability. And example of this - the experience of a well-known company, whose name is Rand Fishkin has no right to disclose. However, he assured that it is a very big brand that knows each one of us. This company X has decided to change the design, site structure and the experience that visitors received on the resource. As a result, the overall impression of the site has deteriorated significantly, while the conversion of indicators have improved. As a result, the company had to take emergency measures to restore traffic and results in the SERP.
If Google sees that many people click on a link to your pages, but as soon as they leave, preferring to competitors, it becomes a very bad signal. Even if you are not using Google Analytics, Google for a number of signal knows what impression is left of the visitors of your Internet site.
quality links
Another important point - the reference. You have more options and more reputable sites than those resources which are higher in search results? Here too there are subtleties.
Are inbound links from quality websites? Is there any evidence of this quality? Whether the reference is a recommendation to visit your site? All these details are important, because with the recent Google time began to use filters that determine the "mood of reference", that is, how sincere person's intentions, put it. Count the number of links is quite simple. Their quality - that's that much more difficult to determine.
Important criteria for Google are also all sorts of references, one way or another associated with the brand, active in social networks, huskies, and so on. D.
A variety of references
A variety of options - this is something which is quite difficult to calculate and which is difficult to achieve. For example, if you have no inbound links from news sites, blogs, social networks and other authoritative resources, but there are a lot of links from small Internet resources, it is a bad sign for Google. Previously, the principle of "as much as just any links can be" worked fine. Today, if you do not have a variety of links and many people talking positively about you, referring to your site, success will be very difficult.
Another important indicator - the so-called akselereyshn, ie the speed with which you build an external referential mass. Sometimes we see the good sites with different landing pages and other young enough with a small number of links, but appearing on the first page. The fact that the young site much faster ramping external referential mass. One of the innovations of Google - it's attention to the novelty of links. For example, a site with relevant link from news sites and blogs will rank better than another resource with obtained a few years ago many links.
And, of course, content: its quality and how it is useful to readers. Let us go back again to the mobile chicken cages. If you look at the results of issue, you'll see a number of commercial websites offering to buy the product. But what if you, in addition to calls to buy a product, offer articles about the design of these houses, how to collect them, other useful information. You can also put links to your blog. Not all people are planning to buy the product immediately. Many seek educational articles that you just can offer. And that may allow you to strengthen its position in the SERP.
Is the value of the content and whether it is unique? You can have a great website with lots of pictures, video, well written texts, but all the content is not unique. Around the same information offered by other resources that are close to your in search results. You must be a few steps ahead. Sometimes, sites with unique content outperform those that do most of the other factors are strong enough.
Another important factor - the geographical relevance of the results of the issuance. In other words, if you are in New York and are looking for a coffee shop, coffee house is unlikely to appear in Paris on the first page. Google takes into account the location of the person (over IP, mobile phone, previous searches, and so on. D.) Therefore, If you care to be high in the search results at the country level - it is a different story and you have a very try.
Mobile phones and tablets
Do not forget about mobile phones and tablets. As more people realize search through mobile devices, Google can easily be reduced in the SERP sites that are not optimized for them. If a significant percentage of visitors finds you it is through mobile phones, test as best as possible, as far as is comfortable and effective this search.
vertical search
And of course, vertical search. When people introduce one or another query, they are looking for not only commercial sites, but also videos, news, pictures and much more. If your site does not have this information, you will lose those who have it.
Whenever you are trying to determine why a particular site appears higher in search results and when to give exact figures can not answer, check the resource on the criteria described above. You can even create an excel-document and compare sites by all criteria, realizing what gives your life and you should work on.
A source
Material translated and adapted authors WebArtex systems.
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