Should you be afraid of toxoplasmosis and forbid yourself from petting cats?
Miscellaneous / / October 03, 2023
What is toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis is a disease that affects both animals and humans and is caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Most often, a person does not even suspect that he is infected. But sometimes toxoplasma causes flu-like symptoms, and in people with weakened immune systems, severe damage to the eyes, lungs and brain. Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women Maybe cause a miscarriage.
Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that multiplies sexually only in the cat's intestines. Its oocysts—like eggs protected from the external environment—are excreted in the animal’s feces and can remain in the ground for several months. Other mammals and birds become intermediate hosts for Toxoplasma gondii if are eating infected animals or ingest oocysts along with contaminated plants, water and soil. The blood carries the parasite throughout the body, and within 7-10 days it forms cysts - protective membranes in the form of bubbles ranging in size from 5 to 100 microns (less than the thickness of a human hair). They usually develop in the cells of organs and soft tissues. For example, in the kidneys, liver, brain, skeletal and cardiac muscles. Because the parasite is inside cells, the immune system cannot detect it.
The most common carriers of toxoplasmosis are: cats, both wild and stray, and domestic. They transmit the parasite can only for 1–3 weeks after infection. In addition, carriers there are cows, pigs and other domestic animals.
Supposedthat 25–30% of people are infected with toxoplasma. But this is the average for the hospital. The actual number of infected people depends on the country and region. So, in the United States it is about 11% population aged 6 years and older. In Russia and Europe, according to Rospotrebnadzor - 25–50%, and in Africa, South and Latin America - up to 90%.
How can you become infected with toxoplasmosis?
Toxoplasmosis is not transmitted from person to person. Most often, the cause of infection is insufficient personal hygiene or a frivolous attitude towards preparing food.
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention specialists considerthat you can catch Toxoplasma gondii if:
- Eat undercooked contaminated meat or shellfish (eg. oysters or mussels). The fact is that Toxoplasma does not die when the carrier dies, continuing to remain in the meat.
- It is not enough to thoroughly wash your hands after handling contaminated meat or shellfish.
- Eat food that was prepared using knives, utensils, boards or surfaces that came into contact with raw, contaminated meat or shellfish.
- Drink water with Toxoplasma gondii.
- Accidentally ingest a parasite. It may end up in the air or on your hands when you brush your cat's tray or petting a cat that has pieces of feces stuck in its fur, even microscopic ones. In addition, Toxoplasma gondii can be ingested along with contaminated soil: for example, if you eat vegetables from the garden or do not wash your hands after working in the garden.
- To receive an infected organ during transplantation, and through transfusion - blood with a parasite in it. True, this happens extremely rarely.
In addition, the child can get toxoplasma from the mother. This vertical transmission is happening during pregnancy, during childbirth or after them.
What are the symptoms of toxoplasmosis
Most often, toxoplasmosis is asymptomatic and does not pose a danger to humans or animals. However sometimes Can observe flu symptoms: increase lymph nodes, headache and muscle pain, weakness and fatigue. These symptoms may last for several weeks and then go away even without treatment.
Severe toxoplasmosis causes damage to the lungs, brain, eyes, and other organs, but much less frequently. A lung infection can cause breathing problems, fever and cough. Inflammation of the brain, called encephalitis, is accompanied by severe headaches, confusion, problems with coordination, and seizures. Eye damage can manifest as decreased vision, lacrimation, and pain.
If the accumulation of pathogens is in the liver, then the function of the organ may also be disrupted, triggering a cascade of reactions that can lead to toxic shock.
For whom is toxoplasmosis dangerous?
Firstly, for people with reduced immunity. These include those who live with HIV or AIDS, is being treated for cancer or has undergone an organ transplant. If immunity is reduced, the risk of severe toxoplasmosis increases.
Secondly, for pregnant women. How write According to Mayo Clinic experts, infection in the first trimester is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. But what's worse is that toxoplasma Maybe provoke miscarriage.
Thirdly, for infants born from a mother infected shortly before or during pregnancy. In a newborn, Toxoplasma can cause hydrocephalus, severe eye infection, problems with motor skills, hearing and vision, seizures and much more.
What to do if you think you've become infected
Most likely nothing. Because Toxoplasma does not interfere with healthy and non-pregnant people’s lives: immunity holds the parasite is under control and does not allow the disease to develop. And there is no treatment for asymptomatic forms.
But if symptoms appear or you are pregnant, go to the doctor. He will spend blood analysis, make a diagnosis and possibly prescribe treatment.
Usually no special therapy is required - only symptomatic, if, for example, there is a high fever or headaches.
If the situation is serious or the patient is pregnant, then apply antiparasitic drugs such as pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the infection and the response to medications.
When planning a pregnancy, you should also consult your doctor. If you have not had an infection before, your doctor may recommend testing for the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii. This will determine whether there was an infection in the past and whether there is any immunity.
If there is no immunity, then it is important to take precautions during pregnancy.
What to do to avoid getting infected
Adviсe are quite simple, but they are the ones that people often neglect.
Maintain good hygiene
- When working in the garden or cleaning animal litter boxes, wear gloves and then wash your hands and nails thoroughly.
- Wash your hands after contact with street people animals.
- Clean your cat's litter box daily.
- Teach children how to properly wash their hands and explain why they should not eat sand pies.
- Wash cutting boards and utensils thoroughly after contact with raw meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits.
- Wipe kitchen surfaces and countertops after cooking.
Prepare and eat food correctly
- Buy meat products in verified places.
- Cook whole cuts of meat at a temperature of at least 60 °C.
- Cook minced meat and poultry at a temperature not lower than 70 °C.
- To reduce the chance of infection, freeze meat for several days.
- Before eating fruits and vegetables, wash them thoroughly with clean running water.
- Do not drink untreated fresh water or unpasteurized goat's milk.
Should you get rid of your cat if you are at risk?
No. Cats distribute toxoplasmosis only 1–3 weeks after infection. And like most people, the disease in animals is asymptomatic. So you shouldn’t throw away or give away your pet.
But you need to make sure that the animal does not become infected. And because:
- Don't let cats go outside to prevent them from contracting toxoplasma while hunting.
- Feed the animals Only canned or dried food, not raw or undercooked meat.
In addition, during pregnancy or with reduced immunity, it is better to refuse to clean the tray and ask someone else to do it. Well, you shouldn’t get new cats or kittens during this period, especially from the street.
be healthy🤒🌡🦠
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