10 books that will help you provide yourself with basic psychological support
Miscellaneous / / October 01, 2023
You will learn to take care of yourself, understand how to get rid of triggers, and work through other problems.
1. “Be gentle with yourself. A book about how to appreciate and take care of yourself,” Olga Primachenko
A bestseller with a half-million circulation from psychologist Olga Primachenko is a reference book on unconditional self-love. Inside there are tasks, written practices and exercises that help you explore your feelings and inner world.
Olga tells how to make friends with yourself, stop depending on external approval and find uniqueness. This is the kind of book that you can open to any page to be transported to a safe, supportive space and instantly feel a surge of strength and energy.
Buy a book2. “Allow yourself to feel. How to stop suppressing yourself and find true strength,” Yulia Bulgakova
Psychologist Yulia Bulgakova is sure: there are no bad feelings. Therefore, you should not suppress aggression, envy and anger in yourself - you need to be able to interact with them correctly.
In the book, Julia offers the author’s system of practices aimed at accepting any emotions. Exercise will help love yourself in all manifestations and unlock the creative energy that will allow you to shine at full power.
Buy a book3. "Live here and now. A guide to happiness and prosperity”, Naval Ravikant, Eric Jorgenson
A book for those who are tired of the eternal race for money and success. Naval Ravikant, the “philosopher on Twitter” with a million followers, explains why a career is only a small part of a fulfilling life.
Neil gives a lot of advice that will help you become happier and maintain yourself in the modern world. As a rule, they are simple but effective: work for yourself, constantly learn, do what you liked as a child.
4. "All wrong. How to get out of communication dead ends into which we drive ourselves,” Maria Melia
We get offended by family and friends, quarrel with colleagues, accumulate dissatisfaction with our superiors, and as a result we find ourselves in a communication impasse - we suffer, but we don’t know how to get out of it.
The book by coach therapist Maria Melia will help you get out of the trap, stop acting to your detriment and restore communication. The author will tell you how to identify the psychological reasons for your own behavior and find a common language with an introverted colleague, a grumpy neighbor, and even parents in a school chat.
Buy a book5. “This is a teenager! How to live and communicate with children when they grow up,” Victoria Dmitrieva
Psychologists often advise focusing on your inner world. But a calm and supportive atmosphere in the home depends not only on ourselves, but also on our relationships with others. This book is dedicated to the interaction between parents and teenagers, but the methods described in it will help to establish contact with all close people.
The underlying principle is simple: don't fight each other, fight the differences that divide you. Family psychologist Vika Dmitrieva talks about how to stand on one side of the ring and make a problem a common enemy and a stumbling block.
Buy a book6. “The zoo is in your head. 25 psychological syndromes that prevent us from living,” Mikhail Labkovsky, Olga Primachenko, Tatyana Muzhitskaya
"Oh! My God! I am late!" Many of us have this thought repeatedly throughout the day, and this is a sign of White Rabbit syndrome. In addition to it, the book describes excellent student syndrome, delayed life syndrome and several dozen other recognizable and rarer conditions that are well known to modern people.
Popular psychologists and psychotherapists talk about common problems - from Mikhail Labkovsky and Tatyana Muzhitskaya to Olga Primachenko and Olga Savelyeva. From the book you can learn how to get rid of various syndromes or learn to coexist with them and use them as an advantage.
Buy a book7. “Take, give and enjoy. How to stay resourceful, no matter what happens to you,” Tatyana Muzhitskaya
Shake yourself up, revive, renew. Coping with burnout, overcoming a crisis in relationships, finding new sources of energy. Trapped by the Covid quarantine, psychologist Tatyana Muzhitskaya tried to solve these problems for herself and shared her findings in a book. The result was the “take - give - enjoy” scheme - a system of psychological practices that teaches you to extract energy for life and happiness from routine.
When you are on the rise and resources are pouring over the edge, invest them in your environment. When the need arises to take from the outside, do it without being afraid to ask for help and without putting it off for later. All this is described in more detail in the book.
Buy a book8. “How to survive a crisis. Therapeutic practices that will help you cope with small troubles and serious difficulties,” Anna Bykova
Troubles and tragedies are an integral part of life. In this book, family psychologist Anna Bykova describes how to prepare for them and offers tools that will help you adapt to new conditions.
Inside, a variety of exercises from several psychological areas are collected: from behavioral and physical to art therapy and writing. They will help to gradually restore sleep and appetite and return movement to life, and also to form new healthy habits and better understand yourself through journaling and writing unsent letters.
Buy a book9. “Unwind your nerves. A scientifically proven way to break the vicious circle of anxiety and fear,” Jadson Brewer
Sometimes people live in a constant state of anxiety without noticing it. Anxiety can hide behind the appearance of bad habits. If you constantly procrastinate, reach for a cigarette, or eat stress, it may make sense to work on your anxiety.
Psychotherapist Jadson Brewer has developed a scientifically proven method for this that will help track repeating loops of restless thoughts, understand the reasons for their occurrence and gradually get rid of triggers.
Buy a book10. “Gift of the sea. A book about how to regain your joy in life, Anne Morrow Lindbergh
This book was first published in 1955, and is still on the long-seller list. She teaches you to find beauty and peace in simple things. Author Anne Morrow Lindbergh recounts an escapist trip to the seashore and how she reframed her experience during the adventure.
Ann is sure that one of the ways to overcome psychological problems is to look at your life from the outside. After reading, you will understand why you need to periodically immerse yourself and be in solitude, and the serene tone of the author will help you slow down and spend some time in peace and tranquility.
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