Sometimes our editors think that you can endlessly observe three things: fire, water, and the new iOS 7 design. Seriously, the new look of the mobile OSes from Apple called an unprecedented response in the network. Almost everyone instantly became a designer and began to point out design flaws in iOS 7. Well, every opinion has a right to life.
But in such cases, better to contact the professionals - the people who know their field of activity. That is why, we have found and translated for you an interesting story of Tristan Edwards, in which the designer of mobile interfaces to share their vision of how should look like iOS 7. Agree, it is much more valuable to hear the thoughts of iOS design from the person who understands this very design.
We offer translation of this articles in Russian. Enjoy your reading! Be sure to leave in the comments your opinion about it.
When Apple recently revealed how they redesigned the iOS, I was shocked, like many other designers (and not only - approx. auth.). And not because it was a low-profile design (we are expecting to see it), but because it looked not modified, damp. I could not believe that this interface is done at Apple, a company that has always been famous for its meticulous attitude to design. After downloading the beta on your iPhone, I found that she not only looks bad, but works no better. The ease of use that has always been inherent in iOS, disappeared.
Some argue that this is just a new style that requires getting used to. I was trying to "get used" to it for a few days, using the phone more intensely than ever. And yet, iOS 7 design is bad. Some things, like the right symmetry or trim color combination never become elements of a style - it's just good taste.
For this reason, I have decided to create their own layout iOS 7 of its own version. It seems to me that Apple need to take my methods adopted.
Home screen
Well, let's start. Here is the home screen in iOS 7. These horrible neon colors and symbols ...
What I propose to change:
- New application logo PhotosThat looks much better than it is in iOS 7.
- Weather and hours: both icons should display the current weather and time, as widgets. Icon hours it has become a "living", but still looks awful.
- Notes and Reminders: seemingly as simple applications that do not need to reinvent the wheel here. But Apple has managed to spoil and icons of the applications! Just look at those icons that I drew and compare them with terrible originals.
- Game Center: strange looking colored "spots" that have little to do with the games. Therefore, we will make the icon more "playful" to add a real cup.
- iTunes- and App Store: icons that are used in iOS 6 were good, but using "thin overhang" I made them more similar to the "commercial applications".
- settings: It seemed to be here, too, something difficult to mess up, but Apple has managed to make fun of here. Bringing them to the normal icon.
Like just about everything should look like:
Why is my version is better: using more "matte" style instead of flat neon icons, third-party applications will still be able to fit into the outer appearance of the default iOS. This is important, if Apple wants to keep all those developers who have already created more than 900 thousand applications.
It is surprising that Apple for all 7 versions of its mobile OSes and did not understand the usefulness of widgets on the home screen.
I really like Concept Max RudbergWhich implies the ability to change the size of icons. Therefore, I use some of the ideas of this concept to improve the appearance of iOS.
The first application, which must be converted into a widget may be weather. I think this approach looks great on iOS:
Widgets on iOS, of course, need to have a few standard sizes (relative to the size of icons) to the OS still looked neat and simple.
Here's how it looks:
Why is it important: widgets are one of the main reasons why buyers prefer Android instead of iOS. Expanding the capabilities of the home screen, Apple will be able to do amazing things and open up a whole new world for application developers.
All standard applications have been redesigned in iOS 7. Some innovations are really interesting, but some applications have lost the very intuitive, they were known for all these years. And it is not good.
Here redesigns of some applications that I made:
The calendar
Why is my version is better: One of the worst things that happened to the calendar in iOS 7, is that the application has lost its usability. Even in terms of individual events no longer appear on the monthly view. I made a neat redesign, which will keep the intuitive application and returns the most useful "points" events.
Why is my version is better: during his presentation, Apple strongly dissociated himself from the old design elements such as natural textures. The new design of iOS 7 does not involve the presence of such elements skeuomorph. But is it always plays into the hands of the most Apple? In this case, you can see the updated notes, which were, in my opinion, is too primitive. My version uses the concept of iOS 7 design, while maintaining preemestvennost.
Why is my version is better: in my opinion, photos and videos should always be displayed on a dark background, so as not to distract you from the content. Is it because most of the televisions and screens have a black border?
Why is my version is better: these applications look good, except for the header. New fonts make it harder for the user experience. I would prefer to use the buttons.
Reminders and Camera
I did not even create their own versions of these applications, because it already has 2 applications that do their job simply and gently. Clear and Analog Camera. Seriously, Apple should buy RealMacSoftware, to use their successful achievements in creating applications for the new iOs 7.
Lock screen
Why is my version is better: I think that a new lock-screen in iOS 7 looks very good. The problem is that the up arrow and the inscription slide to unlock located too close to each other, because of which there is confusion as to how to unlock the screen. My redesign makes the process more clear and understandable.
final words
I very much hope that Apple uses at least some of my ideas with iOS 7 refinement. It is expected to be released in the fall, and up to this point in Cupertino still a lot can change for the better.
How do you redesign of Tristan? What are his ideas you like and why? Any ideas for improving the design of iOS 7 do you have? We will be glad to hear your answers in the comments.