10 steps towards the recognition of your creation (+ bonus)
Tips Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
We are all creative people. Or think of ourselves as such. But each of us has to be creative even distantly related. And how many of us are wrong education in childhood education and society destroyed craving for art. Constant ridicule that art does not make money, but Bob is studying to be an economist, a lawyer, an engineer will bring money into the family.
At first glance, everything is as it is. But the thing. Creativity long ago came to the same level in terms of money, as well as the usual profession. Now, if you're an artist, it does not mean that you can only paint a picture and try to sell them at the exhibition. You can become a fashion designer, a web designer or 3D-modeler. And also, as in other professions, than you better, cooler, more original, so your work will be in demand.
How to achieve universal recognition of your inner creator? Here are 10 steps to reach that goal.
No need to be a genius
We are talking about a child how important it is to find your calling. And we do not realize this until the moment that happen two things: either we find it, or understand that it is too late. Well, never too late! No need to think about what you have to be special to your work recognized. The only way to come to this - to engage in day-to-day.
Think about the process, not the product
You know what separates the successful from the unsuccessful creator? First like what he's doing. He takes pleasure in their work, the process of creating his masterpiece. And this is the only way to success. To do something that brings you pleasure.
Share something small every day
Once a day, after you've done all of your business, get a little time to share with others something new. If you are in the early stages of the creation of their product, share what inspires you. If in the middle, then write about what techniques do you use at work. If you are in the final stages, show a part of the final product, its ideas, tell us how you did it, where and why.
Why do it? As much as it may sound, but people interested in entertaining. If your product is really interesting, the daily news of it will help to find like-minded fans and the people you care about, and your product.
Do not say that you do not have time for this. We are all busy people and we all have only 24 hours in a day. The only chance to find the time - it's time to look. And if you really want it, you find him. Skipping series favorite series or having slept an hour less, but you will find it.
Create your own corner of weirdness
And adds to all that you can. Where do you get your inspiration from? What are your thoughts about the product you have in mind? Describe these projects and think about why your product is better. Do you have an idol? Why is he? What kind of music you listen to and what it inspires you?
Ask yourself these questions every day, and their answers are recorded in your area. This can be paper or an electronic notebook. Reading this in the future, you'll see how to change your world and how you became who you are now.
Learn how to tell beautiful stories
Artists love to talk about their work speaks for itself. But this is not the case. Whatever was "Black Square" by Kazimir Malevich without controversy, speculation and stories about him? The same picture, like millions of others. People like stories related to the creation of the product, the stories that you feel, creating it, and they wanted to convey.
And you have to learn how to explain it to anyone, starting and ending with a gardener businessman who wanted to buy your masterpiece. Everyone likes good stories, but to become a good storyteller - not a simple matter. This is a skill that takes a lot of training time. However, it is worth it.
Teach others their skills
Impulse that compels us to keep to yourself all that we have learned, not only shameful but also destructive. Any knowledge that you are afraid to pass on to others, and for you to get lost. Be prepared to pass any nuggets of information that you have learned. Create educational materials, use of photo, video and infographics. Keep people step by step through the entire process of your classes.
Education other people that you know, does not lower the level of your knowledge. When you teach someone, you automatically raise interest in your case. People feel closer to your work, because you are giving them to become part of it.
Pay attention to other
If you are fixated only on his work, then you are doing wrong. You want your fans? Be one of them. You want to have your work noticed? Then pay attention to someone else's work. Shut up and listen to others. Empathize, be tactful and delicate.
If you want to get subscribers, you become someone, for someone interesting to follow. No need to be closed. Share useful information. Such information, for which people are willing to follow you. And never ask people to subscribe to your social networks. This is the most terrible requested online.
Learn how to take a punch
Giving his work to the public, be prepared for anything. By criticism, insults and shame. The more people see your work, the more criticism you get in return.
How best to learn how to take a punch? Practice it. The more critics you stand now, the more you soak it in the future. Do not rush to the people who criticize you. Try to assess their opinion. Perhaps it is justified.
Learn to sell yourself and your creativity
We are all entrepreneurs. And if you want to create something of their own, you will certainly have to sell it. And it's better to learn how to do it in advance. Meet new people. The more people get to know you, the more will be able to buy your work. Read about business fundamentals. As the goods are sold, the price of which is what competition is and other basic concepts.
Upon learning this, you will be easier to navigate in the cruel world of business, in which creativity is not the last place. Seize every opportunity to sell their work. However, if it is contrary to the principles of your creative, be willing to say "no."
Do not despair and learn from your mistakes
Any career full of ups and downs. And when you're in the prime of her, you do not know what will happen next. It is very important not to rest on our laurels, constantly evolve and move forward. Nor should we expect a 100% success, to rely only on the possibility of success and be ready to jump into any car that will take you to him.
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