5 simple ways to remove the "writer's block"
Tips Productivity / / December 19, 2019
I think that the feeling when you get stuck on one sentence in 10 minutes and just do not know how to finish it, and what to write after it, is familiar to all. To this end, it is not necessary to be a writer. It can be anything - from a letter to partners, ending with the diploma work. Even more difficult to account for those whose job it is to not only write articles, but also independently find topics for them.
This time, their experience divided Dragos Rowan - blogger, on-line entrepreneur and personal development coach.
Do not let this happen
As we all know, it is better to carry out prevention than to cure the disease. Exactly the same preventive measures there and in relation to the writer's blocks. It is much easier to prevent it than to try to get rid of all sorts of ways.
One of the options that are mentioned almost everything, so we mention it only in passing. It is writing down his thoughts. This is not only to find new ideas for projects but also for writing articles. Wherever you are, if you have a job, you still subconsciously think about it. And who knows when you will come the inspiration and key idea of your new article? Pen and notebook, or a special application on the phone - you choose.
Write to someone else
This is especially true of those who write only for their personal projects (whether it's a blog, a book or a column in the magazine). When you write only for themselves in as if something stops you and it is hard to find new and interesting topics.
Write a guest blog post by a friend or acquaintance job helping a colleague with article (if you work in the journal). And you will feel like the inspiration comes back to you, maybe, writing articles for someone to push your mind and your brain will develop a clear plan for new articles have for themselves. Insight comes suddenly, but do not wait until it self from somewhere will take your head. This needs to work.
Free style
Often blocks occur because you have set a clear framework for the work. For example, the restriction on the number of characters. Often require that the article was 1000-1200 characters, but you can perfectly fit your thoughts and in 30 words.
What to do if you are stuck and the words do not fit into the slim ranks? Put the project aside and engage in free writing style. No boundaries. Just write whatever comes to your mind. The effect of this exercise is simply amazing - all the rubbish of the most intricate pieces of your consciousness was dropped on the paper and now your mind is taken for the structuring of these pieces. Something will be thrown immediately that something will be left for later, and some paragraphs are only slightly adjusted. After this point, begin to form naturally, the article structure is built on the fly, the words are arranged in a row and you will not have time to blink an eye, you finish your project!
From "A" to "B" 5 of semantic fractures
A very interesting exercise that should take note not only those whose job it is to write articles. This is a great workout intelligence, logic and brain as a whole.
Take a book or magazine, randomly choose two words and try to build between them a kind of "bridge" of 5 words (semantic structures). For example, the word "skyscraper" and "cabbage": skyscraper, sky-bird-plane-wings-cabbage-leaves.
My chain in this case: a skyscraper, sky-bird-nest-trees, leaves, sprouts.
Utihomirte your mind
If we presented our consciousness as the radio, you would be shocked by how many radio stations at the same time we listen. Our brain is constantly processing information, and even if it seems to us that we did not think about anything, it is not so! So that this method is a simple meditation.
One option: try to look at your thoughts from the side, grasp each and bring them to the very end, until it disappears. Look at what is happening on the part of your brain. If you do this exercise for a long time, you can easily clean the mind from extraneous thoughts and build the desired image.
But I think that meditation with a candle will be much easier. Its disadvantage - you can use this technique only at home, while the contemplation of his mind, you can anywhere. The main thing to find a quiet place and ask to be no distractions at least 20 minutes.