5 ways to help your partner lead a healthy lifestyle - without quarrels and reproaches
Miscellaneous / / August 17, 2023
Constant criticism will definitely not work.
It happens that partners have different attitudes to fitness, proper nutrition and their own health. For example, you strive to exercise regularly, choose healthy foods, find time for meditation. And your partner believes that he does not need all this. Let's figure out how to help a loved one become at least a little more active and healthy - and at the same time not quarrel.
1. Discuss with your partner why he does not change his lifestyle
It's easy to blame someone else for being just lazy. But it is better to refrain from reproaches and simply ask why your partner does not want any changes.
Maybe he's doing just fine. And he does not understand what good he will get, for example, from classes in the pool. Yes, everyone has heard that sports help to become stronger and more resilient. But these are only abstract words. But the cons lie on the surface.
You will have to get up earlier or spend part of the evening training - that is, wasting time. Somewhere to go or go, although you could safely lie down and save energy. And besides, spend money that can be disposed of differently. And what you will get in return is still unclear.
In such cases, everything is simple: a person lacks motivation.
Or maybe he just did not find an activity that would bring him pleasure. And if he doesn't want to poolmaybe he will be attracted to martial arts. Or dancing.
But there is another good reason to lie on the couch. held in the UK study, which showed: 35% of respondents believe that they are too tired, and they do not have the strength to change something. Among people under 34, there are even more of them - 48%.
Maybe your partner will tell you that he also has no energy or time for serious work. Then it’s worth looking together for options that will be comfortable for him and help him take a step towards a healthier lifestyle.
2. Offer your help
At the very beginning, the main thing is to help a loved one find motivation for exercising. He probably has goals or dreams that are not yet achievable. Think together about whether a healthier lifestyle can help him get closer to them.
For example, to increase incomeneed to undergo additional training. But your partner is too tired after work, and he simply does not have the strength to study. It might be worth finding half an hour for a bike ride or a light jog first. And in a month, strength will increase, and it will be possible to think about studying.
It is better to start changing your lifestyle with little things. For example, if your partner thinks he is too weak for serious sports, offer him a walk.
You can make a common habit: every evening together walk after dinner for at least a quarter of an hour. Yes, it's not much, but it's enough to get started.
Your partner may need other help as well. For example, he is bored to train alone, but he will be comfortable with you. Then you should look for activities that both of you like. Or just arrange to meet at the fitness center after work.
Discuss with your partner what help they need. Maybe we should talk together about goals and how to achieve them. Or make a schedule. Or maybe a loved one will be happy if you brew green tea and pour it into a thermos when he is going for a long walk. Or cook his favorite salad on the weekends. Finally, it is important for someone to just talk about how training is going, discuss problems and enjoy each other's achievements.
It is worth discussing again from time to time what kind of help both your partner and you need. This will make it easier for both of you to type healthy habits.
3. Do not criticize for inaction - celebrate successes
The most ineffective tools of influence - criticism and contempt. Your loved one is an adult who has the right to choose what he eats and how he spends his time. For example, every night he opens a bag of chips and takes a can of beer. Or pours tea and takes three eclairs out of the refrigerator, and then lies down on the sofa to watch a series. And the beginning of a healthy life keeps postponing until next Monday.
You may be horrified by his habits, and most importantly, by his inability to change them. But making fun of a loved one or reading morals is a way that is unlikely to add motivation. Rather, you will quarrel, but the partner will not change the sofa for the treadmill anyway. On the contrary, even thoughts about sports and healthy eating will only cause him longing and irritation.
Encouragement and the ability to notice successes, even the smallest ones, are more effective tools.
Advise to start taking not three, but two eclairs or a smaller package of chips. If the partner lasts a week, say that this is already a success. And suggest the next small step.
Talk about what you like about your partner. And if his small steps towards healthy lifestyle lead to at least tiny, but already noticeable changes, be sure to tell him about it. After all, any person is pleased when loved ones notice and appreciate their efforts.
4. Demonstrate the benefits of healthy habits by example
Your changes can be the best motivation for your partner. Let him see that roller skating or yoga really adds to your strength and energy. And you will not need to waste words to convince him of the benefits of sports and meditations.
And if he wants the same results and starts exercising, he will understand that training is interesting and great. Perhaps then sport will become one of his favorite pastimes.
It's the same with healthy eating. Let's say you drink mineral water instead of sweet soda, and for a snack you take a handful of nuts or a pear, and not a package of salty crackers. Then it will be easier for your partner to follow your example.
5. Look for healthy recipes that both will enjoy
ABOUT nutrition worth discussing in more detail. Sometimes it happens that one of the partners tries to choose natural products and eat more vegetables and fruits. Another says that he does not really like spinach, cabbage and oatmeal, and offering him stewed eggplant or sugar-free cottage cheese casserole for dinner is the best way to quarrel.
You can, of course, cook food according to your taste. In this case, one will eat stewed vegetables with chicken breast, and the other will eat fried potatoes and grilled wings. But it is better to look for recipes that both will like.
There are many tasty options on the web. salads, soups and second courses that meet the principles of a healthy diet. It is easy to find baking recipes that do not require a lot of sugar. And for dessert, you can cook sweets from dried fruits and nuts. With a touch of dark chocolate if you both like it.
You should not completely give up your favorite food, even if the partner does not share your tastes. Sometimes it’s really better to cook several different dishes, and do it together. But it will be great if healthy and tasty food that you enjoy eating together will appear on your table more often.
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