Pumping: 4 Cool Exercises You Definitely Haven't Tried
Miscellaneous / / August 15, 2023
Workout for home or street without any equipment.
If you are tired of monotonous squats, lunges and push-ups, this complex will be a real salvation. Four combinations will pump the muscles of the legs, arms and body no worse than standard movements, but at the same time it will be much more interesting to perform them.
How to do a workout
The complex consists of the following combinations:
- Crossing legs, squats and out on hands.
- Push-ups, kicks and twists.
- Kneeling with jumping out.
- Jumping in an emphasis lying down and touching the feet.
If you are well prepared, do these exercises for 40 seconds, and rest between them for 20 seconds. Those who are less confident in their abilities should try the proportions of work and rest 30/30.
After finishing the last combination, take a break for a minute and start again. Depending on your preparation and free time, complete three to five laps.
How to do the exercises
1. Crossing legs, squatting and going out on hands
With a jump, cross your legs, and then spread them one and a half times wider than your shoulders and go to
squat. Place your palms on the floor and transfer your body weight to your hands, lift your feet off the floor as if you were going to stand on your hands. If you are afraid to roll onto your back, do not push hard so that the body at the top remains in an inclined position.Land in a squat and repeat from the beginning: a jump with a cross leg, drop back into a squat and exit into a handstand.
2. Push-ups, kicks and twists
Perform a classic push-up. Then, leaning on your hands, with a jump, bring your legs forward and kick to the side: bend your right leg at the knee and place your foot on the floor, straighten your left. With your left hand, continue to lean on the floor, raise your right hand.
Lie on your back, straighten both legs, but do not lower them to the floor. Perform a twist, bringing your knees closer to your chest, and then return to the position you took at the end of the kick: put your left hand and right foot on the floor.
After that, return to the prone position and start the combination in the other direction. Alternate sides through time.
3. Kneeling with jumping out
sit down squattingstaying on the balls of your feet. Push your hips forward and lower your knees to the floor. Then swing back and come out into a deep squat, placing your feet on a full foot. Jump up, lower back into a squat, and repeat from the beginning.
4. Jumping in an emphasis lying down and touching the feet
Stand in an emphasis lying, bend your right leg at the knee and lift it, and on the second, jump closer to your left hand. Jump back into a prone position, return your foot to the floor and come into a pose. downward facing dogs.
Touch your left foot with your right hand and again take the prone position. Repeat the combination, but only now do the jump to the hand on the left foot, and in the downward dog pose, touch the right foot with the left hand.
Continue alternating sides through time.
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- Pumping: a short circuit workout for those who are too lazy
- Pumping: a good load on the chest and shoulders without dumbbells and simulators
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